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[Flex Data Hub] Credits
Updated over 2 months ago

The Credits dashboard provides comprehensive data on all Coins and Hourly Credits granted to a specific customer.

Before you start


The metrics listed below are common for both hourly credits and coins:

  • "Once" Granted – The number of non-recurring hourly credits or coins granted once. "Once" credits/coins have a start date and are valid until they have all been spent, as they do not have an end date.

  • "Once" Used – The number of non-recurring credits/coins used for the selected period.

  • "Once" Opening Balance - the number of previously issued/non-recurring credits/coins the customer has at the start of the month.

  • "Once" Closing Balance – The number of remaining non-recurring credits/coins for the specific company/member after considering all the credits/coins spent during the month.

  • "Monthly" Granted – The total number of recurring credits/coins granted for the selected period.

  • "Monthly" Used – The total number of recurring credits/coins that have been used for bookings by the customer for the selected period.

  • "Monthly" Unused – The total number of recurring credits/coins the customer has not used.

  • Total Granted – The total number of credits/coins, both "Once"/non-recurring and "Monthly"/recurring, granted to the customer for the selected period.

  • Total Used – The total number of credits/coins, both "Once"/non-recurring and "Monthly"/recurring, used by the customer for bookings in a select period.

Additionally, hourly credits can be granted in Unlimited amounts. This does not apply to coins.

Coins section

The "Coins" section of the dashboard displays only information related to coins.

The six widgets at the top of the dashboard provide an overview of all grants and coin usage in the selected period.

Coins by Customer

This table shows all grants and the usage of coins per customer for the selected time period. The opening balance of 'Once' coins begins in the earliest month of the selected period. The closing balance of 'Once' coins is the closing balance at the end of the latest month in the selected time period.

Hourly Credits section

The "Hourly Credits" section of the dashboard displays only information related to hourly credits. Hourly credits can have 'Unlimited' grants, which makes them slightly different from coins.

The sic widgets at the top of the "Hourly Credits" section provide an overview of all grants and the usage of hourly credits in the selected period. Each tile shows one of the metrics described above.

An "Unlimited grant" refers to the number of customers who have been granted Unlimited credits at least once during the selected period.

Hourly Credits by Customer

This is a table view of all grants and the usage of hourly credits per customer for the selected time period. The opening balance of 'Once' credits is at the beginning of the earliest month in the selected period. The closing balance of 'Once' credits is the closing balance at the end of the latest month in the selected time period.

Note: If a customer is granted both a limited number of credits and unlimited credits in the same month, the total number of credits granted will default to "Unlimited."

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