If you have multiple organizations (accounts) within OfficeRnD Flex, you can take advantage of our global mobility options. While keeping your admin organizations separate, you can enable your members to switch between your members portals and browse through all the locations under your brand. This way members who travel between different locations and countries will have seamless experience booking services and rooms from within the members portal. Read more.
How To Enable Multi-Organization Linking
Navigate to Settings/Platform/Global Mobility and check if the feature is turned on.
If the feature is not enabled, contact [email protected] to request that we enable multi-organization linking for your brand. Please include the information from the steps below.
What Should I Consider Before Enabling Multi-Organization Linking
Before enabling Multi-organization linking, think of how to present the switch option to your members. You can label the option as:
Next, get the names of all admin organizations whose member portals should be linked together:
Discuss the timeline that works best for your team and community. As this operation would affect your community, it is critical that we align the development time needed for the change with your internal plan. Please consider that the merging of portals takes up to 2 weeks.