The Spaces dashboard shows key metrics for Space type of resources. If you have multiple such resources you can narrow down to a specific resource type or a particular resource using the Filters. The dashboard is focused only on bookable resources and doesn’t include assignable resources.
Spaces can be a lot of resource types, depending on your setup. They can be Meeting rooms, one-person offices, parking spots, etc.
This report can help with analyzing the usage of your bookable spaces. If you, for example, see that a couple of Meeting rooms are not being used at all, you can turn them into a usable space and move desks in. Or if you rent more parking spaces than actually used, you can cut costs by letting a few off.
The dashboard data is updated every 2 hours.
Included Metrics
Space Bookings - The number of bookings for Space type of resources according to the Date filter used.
Average Spaces Booking Duration - The average duration of the bookings for this type of resources.
Average Spaces Utilization Rate - The average utilization rate, calculated based on: Total booking duration within the working days / Total business hours duration of the working days.
% Spaces No Shows - Shows how many of the bookings requiring check-in were automatically canceled. Calculated based on: auto-canceled bookings as employees didn’t check-in/ Total number of bookings requiring check-in.
Daily Spaces Utilization Rate - The daily utilization rate, calculated based on: Total booking duration within the day / Total business hours duration of the day.
Weekly Spaces Utilization Rate - The average weekly utilization rate of bookable Spaces for this week and the last 12 weeks. Calculated based on: Total booking duration within the working days of a week / Total weekly duration within the business hours of the working days of a week.
Monthly Spaces Utilization Rate - The average weekly utilization rate of bookable Spaces for this and the last 6 months. Calculated based on: Total booking duration within the working days of a month / Total weekly duration within the business hours of the working days of a month.
Spaces, by Utilization Rate - Average utilization rate of the bookable resources defined as Space on the Office Map.
Space Bookings by Source - The number of Space resources bookings by the Source of the booking (Web Portal, MS Teams, Mobile App, QR code, Outlook Calendar, Google Calendar, etc...).
Space Bookings by Day of the Week and Recurrence Type - The number of bookings per day of the week and recurrence type (Single or Recurring bookings).
Space Bookings Requiring Check-in - Number of bookings that require check-in (true) and the number of bookings that don’t require check-in (false).
Space Bookings Requiring Check-in, by Booking Status - The split of bookings that require check-in between confirmed bookings and canceled bookings. Cancelled bookings are split by type - manually canceled vs auto-canceled.
Additional Options
Learn more about the additional options (such as filtering and data export) from the main article.