Multi-currency is an option that's used whenever you need to charge your customers in multiple currencies. This article will explore using the multi-currency functionality in OfficeRND with QuickBooks.
How to Set Things Up
First, you can take a look at our article on how to set up multi-currency in OfficeRND.
You can then take a look at this article from QuickBooks on how to set up multi-currency.
Note that only one currency can be used per customer. Issuing an invoice with another currency to the same customer will result in a sync error. As a workaround, you can create a second company that uses the other currency so a single customer can receive invoices in multiple currencies.
After completing everything above, you'll be able to use multi-currency with QuickBooks.
Issuing Invoices with Multi-Currency and Syncing Them
Now, you can start invoicing companies and members in different currencies. Here are the steps to follow:
Create a company/member or open the profile of an existing company/member.
Take a look at the option to set up a currency specifically for a member/company. By using this option, any future invoices will use the preferred currency.
Once you've set up a currency specifically for the client, you can manually add an invoice.
Sync the invoice to QuickBooks.
Alternatively, you can specify the currency of an invoice while adding it manually:
However, this isn't really preferable since you'll have to set the currency manually every time.
Moreover, only a single currency can be used for the invoices you're syncing to QuickBooks. We suggest using the method explained in the article instead.