Forte enables your members to pay for services and memberships directly from OfficeRnD via Credit Card or Direct Debit transactions. Before we dive into details, you might want to check what other payment gateway integrations we offer.
Never disconnect a payment integration if you have pending payments!
Enable Forte as a Payment Gateway
Go to Settings > Integrations and enable Forte from the payment gateways list.
Select a Location for the integration. The Forte integration allows you to connect different Forte accounts for different locations. You can select one or more locations to connect Forte, or choose all locations by leaving the Location field blank.
Connect your Forte Account to the Integration
In order to make sure that the integration is connected to your Forte account, the integration requires several IDs and an API Key, which can be found in your Forte account.
Go to Settings > Integrations and find Forte under the list of active integrations
Select Configure
Fill out the following details:
API Login ID
API Access ID (click
API Secure Key (click
Organization ID
Location ID
Use Forte sandbox environment? - Enable this option if you have a test account with Forte and want to test the integration before connecting a live account.
If you are having trouble finding the IDs listed above, please contact the Forte team.