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[Flex Data Hub] Contracts Overview
Updated over a week ago

The Contracts Overview dashboard offers a centralized view of the contracts created within your organization. Its visualizations enable you to analyze the distribution of contract values across months, locations, companies, members, and contract types. Additionally, the dashboard highlights the most common reasons for contract termination.

The dashboard shows projected monthly contract values within the chosen date range. However, these projections exclude invoicing settings and taxes, so the monthly figures displayed may not directly match the individual contract values.

Before you start

Dashboard overview

The six widgets at the top of the dashboard provide an overview of important metrics for the selected period:

  • New Contracts – The number of contracts with start dates in the selected period.

  • Active Contracts – The number of contracts that have been active for at least one day in the selected period.

  • Ending Contracts – The number of contracts with an end date in the selected period and those terminated in that period, regardless of their end date.

  • Unsigned Contracts – The number of contracts that would have been active in the selected period but are yet to be signed.

  • Served Notices – The number of contracts in the Served Notice stage in the selected period.

  • Prorated Contract Value – The value of active contracts during the selected period. This metric only includes the value of contracts in the selected period.

  • Average Monthly Value – The average monthly value of contracts in the selected period.

  • Average Contract Length – The average duration of contracts in months for the selected period.

Filter the dashboard

In addition to standard filters, the dashboard includes a toggle called "Exclude Unsigned Contracts,” which lets you exclude unsigned contracts from all visualizations and calculations. This is useful if you only want to explore the value of contracts customers have signed and committed to.

Monthly Contract Value by Stage

This chart shows the sum of all contracts' monthly values, split by the stage in which those contracts were in the respective month.

Contract Value by Location

This chart shows the distribution of contract value between locations in the selected period.

New vs. Ending Contracts by Month

This chart shows the number of new contracts compared to the number of ending (expiring or terminated) contracts for each month in the selected period. Clicking each value displays a list of individual contracts.

Contract Value by Contract Type

This chart shows the distribution of contract value between contract types in your organization in the selected period.

Top 20 Companies by Total Contract Value

This chart represents the top 20 companies with the highest cumulative contract value in the chosen timeframe.

Top 20 Members by Total Contract Value

This chart represents the top 20 members with the highest cumulative contract value in the chosen timeframe.

Hint: Want to see more than 20 customers? Download the chart's data and select Advanced data options > Results > As displayed in the data table.

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