Area Occupancy Details


The Area Occupancy Details dashboard provides a convenient overview of all key occupancy metrics. Here, we've added an extra variance to the occupancy calculation.

Note: The Area Occupancy Overview and Area Occupancy Details dashboards are available in Imperial (sq.ft) and Metric (sq.m) units separately.

Space Occupancy (Prorated)

prorated sq ft.png

This is the most granular type of occupancy calculation that relies on prorated Resource Availability, Membership Count, and Membership Revenue in each respective month.

Example: You have a customer starting mid-month on a Private Office plan and you’ve created a membership that starts on the 15th of the month. Since the membership will only be active for half a month, the area of the space associated with this Membership will be occupied only for half a month and only half of that are will be considered occupied for the respective month.

Space Occupancy (Beginning of the Month)


This type of occupancy calculation relies on Resources and Memberships that are active at the beginning of the month (i.e. at the 1st of every month) in all calculations.

Example: You have a customer starting mid-month on a Private Office plan and you’ve created a membership that starts on the 15th of the month. Since the membership’s start date is after the 1st of the respective month, the area of the space associated with this Membership will NOT be considered occupied.

Referenced KPIs

  • Resource List Price - The total amount (the sum) of list prices of all resources from the respective resource type.
  • Resource Revenue - The revenue generated by memberships associated with the respective resources. This revenue is prorated based on the memberships' start and end dates.
  • Area Occupancy (Prorated) - The share of the total area size of all prorated occupied spaces from the total area size of all prorated available spaces.
  • Occupied Area ft2 / m2 (Prorated) - The total area size of all Occupied Spaces prorated considering the days each space was occupied from the total available days in the respective month.
  • Available Area ft2 / m2 (Prorated) - The total area size of all Available Spaces prorated considering the days each space was available (in exploitation) from the total available days in the respective month.
  • Area Occupancy - The share of the total size of all Occupied Spaces at the beginning (the 1st) of the month from the total area size of all Available Spaces at the beginning (the 1st) of the month.
  • Occupied Area ft2 / m2 (BoM)  - The total area size of all spaces with active memberships assigned to them at the beginning of the month.
  • Available Area ft2 / m2 (BoM) - The total area size of all Available Spaces (i.e in exploitation) at the beginning (the 1st) of the respective month.
Additional options such as filtering, expanded views, and data export are available as well. Click here to learn more.
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