Hybrid admins can enable customers to sync User Primary Location from their Active Directory. This eliminates the need for admins and users to manually set their Primary Location in OfficeRnD.
In order to enable location sync, the user attribute mappings of the SCIM provisioning integration need to be updated.
Note: The Primary Office Location data will sync when the user is first created in Hybrid.
Step I - Add a new target attribute
1. Navigate to Home/Provisioning/Attribute Mapping.
2. Enable Show Advanced options and click Edit attribute list.
3. Go to the bottom of that page and add a new property urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:officernd:2.0:User:officeName of type String. Then, hit Save.
Step II - Add a new attribute mapping
Go back to the previous page (Attribute mapping) and add a new mapping:
1. The Source attribute should be either:
- physicalDeliveryOfficeName - it corresponds to the Office location field when editing a user.
- Use an extension attribute to hold the office name.
2. The Target attribute should be officeName.
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