Bottomline PT-X is a payment provider available exclusively in the United Kingdom.
It supports direct debit payments for UK bank accounts only.
Never disconnect a payment integration if you have pending payments!
Note: This integration is available in the members portal but not on the public calendar and Sign-Up pages.
Instructions on How to Connect
Connecting to the Bottomline PT-X account is not entirely automatic. Some steps require manual work from the support/account manager on PT-X's side, which you should request from them.
API Access user and its credentials will be needed - this can be created by PT-X support.
Note: This user should turn off Two-Factor Authentication and Password Expiration, as the API connection cannot handle these.
Activate the PT-X integration in OfficeRnD and fill in the needed information.
Company - used to display the organization's name.
Login Email - is the email of the API Access User that will be used to authenticate to PT-X.
Password - is the password of the API Access User that will be used to authenticate to PT-X.
Mandate Message - is the message displayed once the granting of the e-Mandate flow is completed.
Transaction Duration - The number of days needed for the payment transaction to close.
This value defines how many days in advance an invoice should be charged to collect the payment before the invoice due date.
The default value is 0, but it should be set to a value greater than 1 because PT-X can't process the payment that quickly. It takes at least a couple of days to process the transaction after it's requested.
Note: The value here isn't business days but calendar days. This should be considered, and a greater value should be set to account for non-business days, such as weekends.
How e-Mandates Work
This is the direct debit mandate a member should create so that you can charge their bank account.
On the admin side, you can go to the profile of a customer and click the + button under Payment Details to send a mandate request:
In the member portal, members can go to Billing > Payment Details and request a direct debit mandate from there:
In both cases, an email from PT-X will be sent. Once the flow is completed, e-Mandate will be attached to the respective member/company.
How Paper Mandates Work
There is a manual way - a member giving a mandate to the organization with a paper document.
If this is the case with a member, this paper mandate should be manually recorded in the PT-X contact, matching the OfficeRnD member by the organization admins. Then, there is a manual way of attaching it to OfficeRnD. Please contact [email protected] to help you out.
How Does the Sync Work
The integration will sync mandates from PT-X to OfficeRnD automatically if certain conditions have been met:
The mandate has an Active Status in PT-X.
If the mandate's status changes to something else (SUSPENDED, CANCELLED, DELETED, DRAFT, this will remove the mandate from OfficeRnD). Changing a mandate back to Active is going to sync it again.
Email addresses for a PT-x Contact and an OfficeRnD Member/Company across both platforms should be matching.