Space Occupancy Overview

What You'll Need

Before we dive into details about this report, please make sure to check out the following articles that can get you up to speed with the occupancy topic:

Note: Resource Types defined as "desks" are excluded from all calculations in this dashboard.

Space Occupancy (Prorated)

The Space Occupancy chart gives an overview of occupancy based on the spaces in your buildings. Typical examples of spaces are Private Offices and Parking Spaces. This chart lists the performance of each Resource Type to provide a more granular breakdown.

space occupancy prorated.png

Occupied Space Rate (Prorated)

The Occupied Space Rate chart provides an overview of the revenue generated by each occupied space in your buildings. Typical examples of spaces are Private Offices and Parking Spaces. This chart lists the performance of each Resource Type to provide a more granular breakdown.

occupied space rate prorated.png

List Price Attainment (All Resource Types)

This List Price Attainment chart compares the total revenue generated by all resource types to the total list price of all resources (unless you’ve applied a filter). This chart combines the revenue of all resource types to give you a high-level overview of your list price attainment.

list price attainment all resource types.png

List Price Attainment (Per Resource Type)

This List Price Attainment chart provides an overview of the attainment of each resource type towards its total list price (in %). This chart lists the performance of each Resource Type to provide a more granular breakdown.

list price attainment per resource type.png

Occupied vs Available Spaces (Prorated)

The Occupied vs Available Spaces chart provides an overview of the absolute number of Occupied and Available spaces for any given month, and their respective share of the total number of spaces.

The number of spaces in this chart is prorated, but we've rounded them up to make the chart more readable. You can find the detailed numbers (i.e. w/o rounding) in the Details tab.

ocupied vs vacant spaces.png

Additional options such as filtering, expanded views, and data export are available as well. Click here to learn more.

Further Reading

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