If your organization has multiple locations around the globe and you would like to set different tax policies that your government sets to what taxes to levy, you as an operator could set tax policies in Flex so that members or companies are invoiced, not by default tax rate but with the tax policies created in the system. Learn more.
Add a Tax Rate policy
Log in to the OfficeRnD Flex Admin Portal.
Go to Settings
> Billing Settings > Tax Rates & Policies.
Click Add Tax Rate Policy.
In the Add Tax Rate Policy dialog that opens:
Enter a Name for the policy.
Select the Revenue Account(s) that should be taxed.
Click Add to create the policy.
Apply the Tax Rate Policy
You can create and apply different tax rate policies for each location. Here's how:
Open the Location module and click the location.
Open the Billing & Revenue tab.
Choose a Tax Rate policy from the drop-down menu.
Click Add/Update.