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[Flex Data Hub] Bookings Overview
Updated over 2 months ago

The Bookings Overview dashboard is Flex Data Hub's most complete and granular bookings report. It provides a highly visual layout with several widgets and charts—an alternative to the concise Bookings by Customer dashboard, whose tabular format is more suitable for traditional exporting, editing, and printing.

Before you start

Dashboard overview

You can apply multiple filters to narrow the data displayed on the widgets.

Note: Using the Discount Applied and Discount Code filters will only show bookings that fulfill both criteria:

  • they were made by non-members using the public calendar

  • a valid discount code was applied


The six widgets at the top of the dashboard display an aggregated view of your bookings for the selected time period:

  • Bookings – Тhe total number of bookings made.

  • Total Bookings Duration – Тhe total duration of the bookings.

  • Average Bookings Duration – Тhe total bookings duration divided by the total number of bookings.

  • Bookings Revenue – Тhe total discounted price of all bookings.

  • Hourly Credits Used – Тhe total number of hourly credits used for bookings.

  • Coins Used – Тhe total number of coins used for bookings.

Hint: You can click on any of the values to explore the data for each booking.

Total Duration of Paid vs. Free Bookings by Month

This chart illustrates the total duration of bookings for each month during the selected period, split by type: paid or free.

Total Bookings Duration by Month and Customer Status

This chart shows the total duration of bookings for each month during the selected period, split by customer status.

Bookings Revenue by Customer Status

This chart displays the distribution of booking revenue across different customer statuses in your organization for the selected period.

Bookings Revenue by Location and Resource

This interactive chart allows you to explore the bookings revenue for each location, resource type, and individual resource during the selected period. To do this, hover over the corresponding slice of the chart.

To focus on a specific location or resource type, click on the corresponding slice:

To go one level up, click the center of the chart. To reset the chart, use the breadcrumb navigation in the top left corner.

Bookings Revenue by Month and Location

This chart shows the bookings revenue for each location, split by month.

Top 20 Customers by Total Bookings Duration

This chart ranks the customers with the highest total booking duration within the selected period. Only the top 20 customers are displayed.

Hint: Want to see more than 20 customers? Download the chart's data and select Advanced data options > Results > As displayed in the data table:

Average Booking Duration by Day of Week

This chart shows the average booking duration for each day of the week within the selected time period.

Resources Ranked by % Utilization

This chart ranks all bookable resources by their total utilization for the selected period. The utilization for each resource is calculated by dividing the total duration of bookings by the total duration of availability.

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