In OfficeRND you can use various ways to set up tax rates. You can set them up on an account level or you can set up a tax policy.
There is some additional settings for taxes in Billing Settings. They determine if a tax rate should be applied for the entire space and whether it should be included in the prices set for your billing plans.
You can also set a tax rate for a specific member or company. We will explore how you can do that in this article.
How to Set a Specific Tax Rate For a Customer
To set up a specific tax rate for a customer, you can use one of the existing tax rates, or create a tax rate.
Check our article on how to set up tax rates.
Open a company or member profile and click on the Edit Details button.
βIn the newly opened window, click on the tab called Billing Details.
In it, there is a row called Currency/Tax Rate. It contains a drop-down menu to the right where you can click and select the tax rate for that member or company.
When you're finished, hit Update.
Note: If you have set up any other tax rates for your billing plans or specific billing accounts, the personal tax rate for the member/company will override any other tax rates.