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[Flex Data Hub] Invoiced Revenue
Updated over 2 months ago

The Invoiced Revenue dashboard shows revenue based on your invoices, credit notes, and overpayments. It provides detailed information about your space's invoiced revenue per month.

Before you start

Dashboard overview

The Invoiced Revenue dashboard provides detailed information about your space's monthly invoiced revenue.

The three widgets at the top of the dashboard provide a summarized overview of your organization's AR Aging. You can see:

  • The total invoice revenue for the selected period (it equals the total amount of all invoices issued throughout it)

  • The top 5 locations by Invoiced Revenue

  • The top 5 customers by Invoiced Revenue

Invoiced revenue details

This table presents detailed information about each customer's contribution to the invoiced revenue for every month:

  • Credit – the total amount of overpayments and credit notes issued in the respective month

  • Paid – the total amount of issued invoices combined with the total allocated amounts of overpayments and credit notes issued throughout the month

  • Not Paid (Not Overdue) – the total pending amount from unpaid invoices that are not past their due date.

  • Not Paid (Overdue) – the total due amount of invoices past their due date

  • Total Due – the customer's total due amount

  • Total Revenue – the total revenue from invoices issued during the month

All values are drillable. Clicking them reveals a list of invoices, credit notes, and/or overpayments that contribute to the total displayed on the dashboard.

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