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How to Add, Allocate and Refund Overpayments
How to Add, Allocate and Refund Overpayments
Updated over 3 months ago

Sometimes, clients will pay more than they were supposed to. OfficeRnD allows you to record that extra payment as an Overpayment when that happens. This way, you can apply its amount to an unpaid invoice, refund it, and record it in the system.

Remember that recorded overpayments, unlike invoices, credit notes, or generated PDF files, cannot be sent to your clients. Their sole purpose is to be allocated to invoices.

Add an Overpayment

When a client has paid more than their due, you can record that from the Add Payment button in a client's profile or through the Billing & Products/Invoices section.

Note: Overpayments can only be allocated and synced if you have an integration with Xero. QuickBooks integration does not allow overpayments to be added.

Click on the Add Payment button in the Invoices section of a member's profile. This will open a dialog where you can either add a payment for the pending invoices or enter a larger amount to create an overpayment.

add paym4.png

Note: All Required fields here are marked with an asterisk *.

The same dialog opens if you Add Payment from Billing & Products/Invoices. Here, the company/member name is not prefilled, and you'll need to select it from the first drop-down field.

Allocate an Overpayment

Once the Overpayment has been recorded in the system, its amount can be allocated to an unpaid invoice. That can be done by following these steps:

1. Navigate to Billing & Products/Invoicing (or open a member/company profile) and click on the Overpayment. Note that Overpayments are marked with OP in the grid.

2. Click on Allocate credit.

3. Adjust the Amount if needed. Partial payments are possible, but the amount must not exceed the due amount of the invoice for which you'd like to allocate the overpayment.

4. Select an invoice from the Invoice drop-down and click Add.


Refund an Overpayment

To record that refund in OfficeRnD, you can take the following steps:

  1. Open the Overpayment.

  2. Click Add Refund.

  3. Select a payment method that matches the method used to refund the money.

  4. Set the proper Amount, Reference, and Date of the transaction.

  5. Click Add.


Note: OfficeRnD is not able to trigger a refund transaction. Any refund operation should be handled through the payment gateway you are using.

Note: Overpayment documents will follow the numbering of your invoice document. However, you can customize that from Settings > Billing Settings > Billing Rules by enabling Separate number template for Overpayments.

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