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[Workplace] Helpdesk and Ticketing System
[Workplace] Helpdesk and Ticketing System
Updated over 2 months ago

The Helpdesk tab in Settings/Advanced Settings/Workplace Services lets you configure the Helpdesk module according to your organization’s needs.


Category Options


Here, you can find a list of the Category options that members and teammates will have when creating a ticket. Below is a short description of the default options:

  • Feedback - there is no issue, but a member would like to share their feedback and suggest improvements.

  • Issue - the member would like assistance with something.

  • Software - the member has an issue related to the software they are using in your space, such as the members portal.

More options can be added through the Add New Category button in a 3-step process:

1. Enter the Category Name.

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2. Enable the Location(s) where the category applies, and enter the employees that will receive e-mail notifications.

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3. View the Summary and click on Create Category to finish.

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Any option can be edited at any time after creating a category. Use the Edit button underneath each category.


Severity Options


Here, you can find a list of the Severity options that members and teammates will have when creating a ticket. Below is a short description of the default options:

  • Normal - the issue is problematic, but there is no rush toward resolving it.

  • Restricted Operations - the member is prevented from working normally, but they can still continue their operations.

  • Critical - the issue is preventing the member from continuing their work.

More options can be added from the Add New Severity button. A severity only has two fields:

  • Label - the name of the severity option.

  • Color - the highlight color of the severity.

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Both of these options can be changed for any severity option at any time. Click on a severity option or choose Edit from the cogwheel menu to change them.

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Priority Options

Teammates have Priority Options when creating or assigning a ticket. This is an internal status that the admin team can use to add another layer of prioritization.

More priority options can be added by navigating to Settings/Advanced Settings/Workplace Services and opening the General tab. There, you'll find the Priority Options section with the Add New Priority Option button. There are two settings:

  • Label - the name of the severity option.

  • Color - the highlight color of the severity.

prior options.png

Both of these options can be adjusted for any priority option at any time. Simply click on the option and make the changes.


The Rules section can be found in the General tab in Settings/Advanced Settings/Workplace Services of. It allows you to choose how many days a ticket can stay Pending for before it is automatically closed. If you leave the field blank, tickets will not change their status automatically.

Once a teammate replies to a ticket, that ticket will usually stay Pending until the client replies. That can often not happen once the issue has been resolved, which is why you have the option to automatically close any ticket that has been Pending for a while.


Reviewing Tickets

Admins can review and resolve Helpdesk tickets efficiently. Navigate to Communication/Workplace Service. Each Helpdesk category has its own tab with a red badge noting how many new tickets require action. Each ticket can be filtered, edited, assigned, and status updated from the Dashboard.

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Helpdesk tickets can be exported in .CSV spreadsheet file format from the Export button .

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Additionally, Admins can open each ticket and view details, reply to comments, edit any of the ticket's properties, or Resolve it.



After you have finished configuring the Helpdesk & Ticketing System, go to Settings > Advanced Settings > Employee Apps > Apps Pages tab and enable the Helpdesk option to make it visible for members in the Web Portal.

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