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[Workplace] How-To Guides and FAQs
Updated over 2 months ago

The How-to Guides section of OfficeRnD allows you to add articles for your employees, which are visible in the Web Portal. They can be for anything, from How to Book a Desk to WIFI passwords or internal rules.

Add a How-to Guide

To add an article, go to Collaboration > How-to Guides and use the Add Article option.

When you are adding or editing a How-to Guide, you will have the following options:

  • Name - Enter a name for the guide.

  • Locations - Select the locations this guide applies to, or leave the field blank to ensure the guide is available to all.

  • Content - Enter the content of the guide. You can copy & paste an entire document here, including images.

  • File - You can attach a file with instructions that can be downloaded by users viewing the guide.

  • URL - You can set a URL that your users can follow when viewing the guide - it can redirect them to a more detailed guide or other resources that are not in OfficeRnD.

add howto.png

Enable How-to Guides

To enable the functionality:

  1. Go to Settings > Advanced Settings > Employee Aps > App Pages.

  2. Check the How-to Guides box.

  3. Scroll down and click Update.


Rename the How-to Guides Section in the Web Portal

If you'd like to change the name of the section that appears in the Web Portal, you can amend it by going to Settings > Advanced Settings > Employee Aps > App Pages. Scroll down to Main Menu and click How-to Guides.

empl apps.png

Here, you can change the order of the menu item, edit the Title, and change the Icon.

edit menu item.png

Here is an example from the Web Portal:

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