The Overview dashboard summarizes key metrics for Desks, Spaces, and Employees. Here, you can see and analyze the number of bookings per Employee and Team and the utilization rate per Resource Type and Day of the week.
The Overview is a general report. If you need a deep dive into analyzing particular Resource Types, you can refer to Desks or Spaces.
The dashboard data is updated every 2 hours.
Confirmed/Canceled Booking Statuses
Confirmed - Employee checked in.
Canceled (Manual) - Employee canceled booking.
Canceled (Automatic) - The system canceled the booking due to no check-in.
Included Metrics
Utilization rate, by Resource Type
The utilization rate for yesterday, last calendar week, and last calendar month for all bookable Desks and Spaces resource types.
The following rules apply for calculations:
Yesterday's rate is calculated based on: Total bookings duration within the last day / Total business hours duration of the last day (it might be 0% if the last day is a non-working weekday).
Last Week is calculated based on: Total booking duration of the working days last week / Total business hours duration of the working days last week.
Last Month is calculated based on: Total booking duration within the working days last month / Total business hours duration of the working days last month.
Daily Utilization Rate, By Resource Type
The daily utilization rate of all bookable Desks and Spaces. The rates' percentage is calculated based on: Total booking duration within the day / Total business hours duration of the day.
Employees with Bookings & Bookings per Team
These charts display the number of average bookings per employee and the total number of employees with a booking per team. The bookings include all resource types and are split by status - Confirmed, Canceled (Manual), or Canceled (Automatic).
Additional Options
Learn more about the additional options (such as filtering and data export) from the main article.