The Employees Bookings dashboard lets you analyze important booking aspects, such as:
How employee behavior impacts office capacity.
What types of resources are used by different employees and teams.
Track bookings per status and resource type for employees and teams.
Booking Cancellations - reason, time, type (Early, Late, Auto) per team and employee.
Please note that this dashboard will replace the Employees dashboard on December 1, 2024.
Included Metrics
Employees with Bookings (chart) - The chart displays bookings per employee for all resource types.
Employees with Confirmed Bookings, By Resource Type - The chart displays bookings with status confirmed per employee and by resource type.
Employees with Bookings (table) - The table displays employees with bookings with all statuses within the selected timeframe.
The Cancellation delay column shows the time elapsed between the intended start of the booking and the cancellation.
The Wasted time column shows when an employee cancels a booking after it has started or when it is automatically canceled. This is calculated as the difference between the booking’s scheduled start and end times.
When data from the table is downloaded, and the As displayed in the data table option is selected, the export includes extra data not visualized, such as:
Booking Created At Date
Booking Canceled At Date
Booking Duration
Booking Start Date & Time
Actual Booking Duration
Canceled After
Teams with Bookings - The chart displays bookings with all statuses per team for all resource types.
Teams with Confirmed Bookings, By Resource Type - The chart displays bookings with status confirmed per team and by resource type.
Monthly Employee & Team Bookings - The table displays teams, employees, and the count of bookings made within the selected timeframe.
Additional Options
Learn more about the additional options (such as filtering and data export) from the main article.