We understand that building a brand is one of the most important parts of building your business. That's why we offer different possibilities for customizing all member-facing apps. That way, they can represent your brand in the best way possible.
First, make sure you've enabled the app - learn how. To start customizing the app, go to Settings > Member Apps > Branding and reach the Meeting Rooms Tablet View section:
Change Theme
You can change the app colors whenever the meeting room is available vs. occupied. By default, the color available is green; for occupied, it is red.
Add your logo
Upload an image of your logo that will appear on your tablet view.
Remember that the image should have a 4:1 ratio and be bigger than 160 x 40px.
Room Price
Choose whether you'd like to display the price rate of your meeting rooms on the tablet app. Depending on your preferences, you can easily adjust that by ticking/unticking the Room Price option.
Finally, click Update, and all customizations will be saved to reflect your Rooms Tablet App.