Developer Tools - Applications


The most up-to-date and relevant documentation about the subject is available here at the OfficeRnD Developer portal.

In this article, we'll cover how you can generate an OAuth 2 token and how long you can use it. Once you receive the token, you'll be able to use all of our publicly exposed endpoints.

  • Please find our article on the API here.

Note: The OAuth2 tokens generated by OfficeRnD by default will expire in 3599 seconds which is approximately 1 hour. You need to request a new token only after the old token expires. 

How do I Create an Application in OfficeRND

The first step would be to Add an Application. You can do that by going to Settings/Data & Extensibility/Developer Tools/Applications tab. On this page, you'll be able to see a list of all the applications which have been created.

When you're creating an application, you can specify a Name, Description, Image (if you upload one), and Permissions.


Permissions are the most important as they determine whether you'll be able to use the application to Read, Write, or both.

Once you create the application, you'll have three buttons next to it - Configure, View, and Delete.

  • The Configure button allows you to change the earlier parameters that you entered.
  • The view button is very important as it gives you the Client ID and Client secret. These are two properties that you need in order to create the OAuth 2 token.
  • With the Delete button, you can delete the application which will revoke the access of all tokens generated with the Client ID and Client secret of the application.


How to Generate an OAuth 2 Token

Now that you have your Client ID and Client secret, you can make a call to our API in order to generate the token:

  • The URL that you need to call in order to generate the token is:
  • The method that you need to use in order to generate the token is POST.
  • The content-type header must be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

The body needs to contain the following fields:

  • client_id - taken from the OfficeRND application you just created.
  • client_secret- taken from the OfficeRND application you just created.
  • grant_type - currently we only support "client_credentials" so the value is always going to be the same.
  • scope - here you can specify whether you'd like the token to have permissions to read, write or both, concatenated into a single string divided by a blank space e.g. " officernd.api.write".
    Note: Please note that this will take into account the permission that you've specified for the application itself. For example, if the application has only "Read" permissions you can't generate a token with "Write" permissions, as you will see an error.

If you're using Postman, please see below:


After sending the POST request, you'll be able to see your token in the response body.
The property "expires_in" specifies the time in seconds for which you can use the token. All tokens are valid for 3600 seconds, i.e 1 hour.

"access_token": "<access_token>",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"scope": " officernd.api.write"

After you've generated the token, you can use it as authorization when invoking the different API endpoints. 

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