How To Approve A Purchase Request

Every now and then, space operators would like to have more control when it comes to purchase options for their plans and services. OfficeRnD lets you handle such cases with the Request approval option for billing plans.

Action Items

1. Enable the Request approval option for the billing plan(s) that should use it.

2. Once a request has been submitted, open the notification email you received from the system and review the customer. Reach out to them to clarify additional terms and conditions, if needed.

3. Review the information they filled in from the members portal. Once you're ready, click Approve, followed by Update to finalize the approval process.

4. If you'd like to invoice and charge the customer right away, take a look at this setup video that will guide you through the process.

OfficeRnD is under intense development and gets updated constantly. Therefore, you may spot some differences in the UI between the videos and the platform. Generally, the instructions remain the same. Please refer to our help articles for the most up-to-date information.

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