OfficeRnD Hybrid Rooms Tablet App


OfficeRnD Hybrid has a free Rooms tablet app that can help you show more information about the meetings taking place in a meeting room at a single glance. It can also be used to book the room with a few clicks. All you need to do is download the app and set it up on a device that will be placed close to the meeting room's door.

The app only displays resources that belong to the default Meeting Rooms type of resources (the name could be different if you changed it). Bear in mind, the app would require a login - make sure to use our OfficeRnD Admin credentials.

Note: It may take up to a minute for the Rooms app to refresh, usually less.


Web View

This functionality can be used in "web view" as well. We can provide you with a specific URL for each of your meeting rooms in case you cannot use the app on your device. The URL can be then opened in a browser on your device and show the room. Please reach out to for more details.

Meeting Rooms Tablet View

Here is an example of what the tablet view looks like:


The meeting room app will change its layout to red as soon as a meeting starts, therefore you can see whether the room is free or occupied. It also offers a list of upcoming bookings, so your employees do not need to visit the Web portal calendar to check its schedule.

Here is an example of what the app shows when the same room is occupied:

You can download the app to any tablet (please note that currently only iOS and Android devices are supported) and follow the app's guidance on how you can set up a room.

Lock the App - Kiosk Mode

The initial guide includes the steps you need to take in order to lock the tablet's screen to avoid any unwanted changes. The steps for locking the screen that we include in the app are for the latest OS (Operating system) version and can differ depending on the device or OS you are using. If the steps we offer do not seem to be the correct ones, we recommend reaching out to the OS or device's provider Support team, as they would be best suited to answer your questions and offer guidance

Automatic Updates

We highly recommend that you also enable automatic updates for the app. This means that you will get the latest version on your device as soon as we push an update:

Automatic Update for Android: 
  1. To turn on auto-update for the app, go to the app page in the Google Play Store.
  2. Tap the three vertical dots in the top right corner.
  3. Tick off Auto-update.
Automatic Update for iOS: 
  1. Go to Settings > iTunes & App Store.
  2. To enable all automatic app updates, turn on the green switch next to Updates.
  3. If you want to automatically update apps, but only when you are connected to a Wi-Fi network, leave updates on and turn off Use Mobile Data instead.

Customize the Tablet View

One of the most important parts of building your business is building a brand and that's why we are offering different ways to customize our apps. Here are a couple of things you can change in regard to how your Room Tablet App looks.

Navigate to Settings/Advanced Settings/Employee Apps/General and click on Configure under OfficeRnD Rooms App.


Change Theme

You can change the colors of the app whenever the meeting room is available vs. occupied. By default the color for available is green, and for occupied - red

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Click Update and all customizations will be saved.


Bookings Check-in

The tablet view can also be used by members to check in for their booking if you have enabled that in the meeting room's Booking Policy.

Book a Room

On the bottom left corner of the app, there will be a Book button. Once clicked, employees will be able to book the room for the needed time and date(s).


Download the app

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You can find the OfficeRnD Rooms app in the App Store and Google Play.

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