The Retention Overview dashboard visually represents the growth of your memberships and customers.
Before you start
Dashboard overview
The Revenue Overview dashboard includes multiple widgets that display various data related to retention.
You can drill into each metric and visualization shown on the dashboard. For example, if 5 members have left in one month, you can click on the value -5 to get a list of those 5 churned customers.
You can control the types of customers considered "new" when calculating the metrics on the dashboard. If you wish to include returning customers in the calculations, set "Consider Returning Customers New" to Yes.
The widgets on the right side of the dashboard display some notable retention metrics. You can click on each value to see more details about the data that makes up the total value. Please note that the "Date Range" filter does not affect these widgets.
Average Lifetime Value (LTV) – the all-time membership revenue generated from active customers to date divided by the all-time number of customers with an active membership. Please note that this KPI aggregates the revenue from all types of services. Average Length of Stay in Months – Considering the start date of a customer's first membership and the end date of their last membership (or the current date if the respective membership is still active), we estimate that number in months for your whole customer base and divide it by the number of customers that had (or currently have) an active membership.
Average Monthly Value – the Average Lifetime Value (LTV) divided by the Average Length of Stay in Months.
New Customers This Month – the total number of customers considered new in the current month.
Lost Customers This Month – the total number of customers considered lost in the current month.
Active Customers this Month – the current month's total number of customers with active memberships. |
How is data calculated?
All reports aggregate data monthly. Selecting any date within a month selects the data for the whole month. For example, filtering a dashboard to show data between March 15 and May 2 will show aggregated data for March, April, and May.
Membership Revenue, Net Growth
This widget shows a monthly outline of the net growth of your membership revenue, broken down by bucket:
New Revenue – The total revenue generated from customers categorized as "New" during the month.
Lost Revenue – The (negated) total revenue from customers leaving during the month.
Expansions – The total increase in membership revenue from customers compared to the previous month.
Contractions – The decrease in the total membership revenue from customers compared to the previous month.
Net Effect – The total of Contractions and Lost Revenue is subtracted from the total of New Revenue and Expansions.
You can also control the metrics shown on the column charts. For example, suppose you are only interested in comparing the new and lost revenue for the selected timeframe. In that case, you can click the names of the other metrics on the chart legend to deselect them and remove them from the visualization.
Remember that the Membership Revenue visualized on this graph is not intentionally prorated. The idea is to show you a realistic idea of each category breakdown. For example, suppose you have a company starting mid-month, and we prorate it. In that case, we might mislead you that the New revenue is significantly lower this month, but that the Expansion revenue next month is considerably higher.
Customers, Net Growth
This widget shows the monthly number of new and lost customers. Customers are considered:
New – if they started a membership for the first time in the month or if they are returning and if "Consider Returning Customers New" is set to Yes.
Returning – if they used to have a membership, they spent at least a month without an active one, and are now starting a new one.
Lost (Churned) – if their last remaining memberships expire in the current month, they will have no memberships starting the following month.