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All CollectionsFlexGetting StartedStep 1: Set Up Your Account
[Getting Started] Configure the Admin Notification Settings
[Getting Started] Configure the Admin Notification Settings
Updated over a month ago

After setting up your account, configure the Admin Notification settings in OfficeRnD Flex.

  1. Go to Settings > Account Details > Emails & Notifications.

  2. In the Notification field, enter the email address where you will receive all system notifications. This email address is also displayed as a contact email address for your organization.

  3. In the Reply To field, enter an email address. When you reply to an email notification, your email will be sent to the "Reply To" email address. If you leave the field empty, replies will be sent to the "From" email address.

  4. In the CC Admin Notifications field, enter one or more admin email addresses to which email notifications will be sent as CC.
    This feature is useful if you have multiple admins and want to keep them updated with notifications from your organization.

  5. In the BCC Admin Notifications field, enter one or more admin email addresses to which email notifications will be sent as BCC.
    This feature is useful if you have multiple admins and want to keep them updated with notifications from your organization.

  6. In the From field, enter a custom email address from which all Flex notifications will be sent. If you leave this field empty, all emails will be sent from the default email entered in the Notification field.

    Please note that a custom "From" email requires a specific setup and verification. Learn how to set up a custom "From" email address →

  7. Click Update to save the changes.

  8. Optionally, enable custom email addresses for different email types. Learn how to configure booking and financial email addresses →

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