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[Getting Started] Set Up a Booking Policy
Updated over a month ago

Flex allows you to create rule presets in the form of Booking Policies that can be applied to one or more bookable resources. Click here to learn more.

Step-By-Step Guide

1. Log in to the Flex Admin Portal.

2. Go to Settings > Platform Modules > Calendar & Bookings.

3. Scroll down to the Booking Policies section and click on Add Policy.


4. Fill out the following details and settings:

  • Name - The name of the booking policy. This is the only mandatory field.

  • Max Duration - Maximum time allowance for booking a room.

  • Min Duration - Minimum time allowance for booking a room.

  • Allow Recurring Bookings - Enable to allow members to create recurring bookings.

  • Limit Recurring Bookings Span - Limits the recurring bookings' time span of member/ public bookings. You can set it up to a maximum of 24 months from the day of the booking's creation.

  • Limit Future Bookings - Limits the maximum allowed months from today that the booking can be booked for. The maximum amount for this setting is 24 months.

  • Limit Time Before Start of Booking - Add a "notice period" for bookings. Members would not be able to book a room immediately, they would need to book for X time after the current moment.

  • Request Approval - If enabled, bookings for the rooms using that policy will be created as Tentative bookings until an admin approves them.

  • Require Check-in - This option enables an automatic cancellation process. If members do not check for the booking within the set amount of time the booking will be canceled. More details can be found here.

Note: The maximum time you can set here is 60 minutes.

  • Send booking reminders - This option enables the sending of reminders to the member before the booking starts. Additional information can be found here.

Note: The maximum time you can set here is 360 (6 hours) minutes.

Note: The limit for the back-to-back buffer time is 30 minutes.

  • Active/Non-Active Member Rules - Choose whether you'd like to apply the same set of rules for active and non-active members or not.

5. Click Add to create the policy.

add booking policy.png
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