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[Flex Data Hub] Resource Utilization
Updated over 2 months ago

The Resources Utilization dashboard offers information about the usage of your Meeting Rooms (and other bookable resources) based on the bookings made through a given period.

Before you start

Dashboard overview

The four widgets at the top of the dashboard display a summary of your organization's utilization metrics for the selected period:

  • Average Booking Duration – The total booking duration divided by the total number of non-canceled bookings.

  • Total Bookings Duration – The sum of all non-canceled bookings during the selected period.

  • Total Utilization – The total duration of all resource bookings divided by the entire duration of the resources' availability within the selected period. The duration of the resources' availability matches the duration of the business day at their location.

  • Total Bookings – The total number of non-canceled bookings in the selected time period.

Hint: Click on any of the values to explore the underlying data.

Utilization by Resource Type

This chart shows your organization's monthly utilization of each resource type within the selected period.

Utilization by Location

This chart shows the monthly utilization of each location in your organization within the selected period.

Utilization by Resource

This table shows a detailed view of each resource's utilization, split by month.

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