This table contains all 51 properties that can be exported from an invoice and their descriptions.
Property | Description |
AccountCode | The input of the “Unique Code” field of the account in/from which the line item has been debited/credited |
AccountName | The name of the account in/from which the line item has been debited/credited |
Address | Account address |
Allocations | To/from what other documents this document has allocations (array of document numbers) |
Amount | The total amount of the invoice in which the line item is |
BaseTotal | Total amount of the invoice without tax |
ChargeDetails | Details when there is a payment gateway integration |
ContactName | Contact name |
Country | Country |
CreatedBy | Creator of the invoice in OfficeRnD |
Currency | The currency at which the invoice is issued |
Description | The input from the Description field of the invoice |
Discount | The discount amount in the specific line item |
DocumentType | The type of document in which the specific line item is |
DueDate | The date until which the invoice in which the specific line item is is due |
EmailAddress | Email address of the account |
EndDate | The end date of the invoice's period. |
ExchangeRate | The exchange rate at which the main currency has been converted to a secondary currency |
InvoiceCreationDate | The date the invoice was created in OfficeRnD. |
InvoiceDate | The issue date of the invoice in which the specific line item is contained |
InvoiceMonth | The month the invoice was issued |
InvoiceNumber | The number of the invoice in which the specific line item is contained |
InvoicePeriodMonth | The month of the invoiced period |
ItemCode | Line item code |
LineEndDate | The end date of the plan invoiced in this line item |
LineOfficeCode | The input of the Code field of the Location in which the specific line item has been invoiced |
LineOfficeName | The Location name in which the specific line item has been invoiced |
LineStartDate | The start date of the plan invoiced in this line item |
LineStartMonth | The month of the date of the plan invoiced in this line item |
LineTotal | The line item total ((Base * Quantity) - (Discount)) + (Tax) |
OfficeCode | Code of the office in the billing plan |
OfficeName | Name of the office in the billing plan |
PaidAmount | The amount (part of total) that is already paid for the invoice in which the line item resides |
PaidBy | The account paying the invoice |
PayableAmount | The amount (part of the total) that is not yet paid for the invoice in which the line item is contained |
PaymentMethod | The payment method used in the invoice in which the specific line item is contained |
PendingAmount | Amount left to be paid |
Quantity | The quantity of the plan in the specific line item of an invoice |
Reference | The input in the Reference field of the invoice in which the specific line item is contained |
RegistrationNumber | The registration number of the company that the invoice was issued to |
StartDate | The start date of the invoice's period. |
State | The state as part of the address of the recipient (company or member) |
Status | The status of the invoice (e.g. paid, overdue) |
Tax | The amount of TAX in the specific line item |
TaxId | The name of the TAX applied on the specific line item |
TaxRate | The name of the tax rate applied on a specific line item of an invoice |
TaxRateCode | The input of the “Unique Code” field of the TAX in the specific line item |
TaxRateType | The input of the “Type” field of the TAX in the specific line item |
TotalWithoutTax | The total price of the line item (without TAX) |
UnitPrice | The unit price of the plan in the specific line item of an invoice (with TAX) |
UnitPriceWithoutTax | The unit price of the plan in the specific line item of an invoice (without TAX) |