OfficeRnD Flex comes with predefined invoice and credit note templates for the PDF document generated when an invoice or a Credit Note is created. Learn how invoicing works in OfficeRnD Flex β
Customize the invoice and credit note templates
If you want to customize any of the default templates, you can:
Go to Settings > Templates > Invoices.
Open one of the existing templates for an invoice or a Credit Note.
Edit or clone it.
You can customize one of the default templates using the Text Editor or update its Code using HTML and CSS.
When customizing the invoice/Credit Note template, you can use a variety of properties that act as placeholders for dynamically generated content. These properties are enclosed:
Text Editor: in single square brackets, such as
Code: in double curly quotes, such as
If you want to add CSS code to a template, you must add it in the Custom Code section:
Edit the date format
All dates in the invoice/Credit Note documents are formatted as DD/MM/YYYY by default. If this format doesn't match your local date format, you can change it. Learn more about the different date formats available in OfficeRnD Flex β
Invoice and Credit Note template properties
Primary properties
The following properties give you access to general invoice/Credit Note data like amount, issue date, and due date.
Property/Placeholder | Description |
number | The invoice/credit note number. |
invoiceDate | The invoice/credit note date. |
issuedBy | The name of the admin who created the invoice when the invoice was manually created. For the automated schedule, the name billing person of the admin company |
dueDate | The date when the invoice is due. |
logoUrl | A URL to the logo of the organization. |
reference | The invoice/credit note reference. |
paidWatermark | A URL to a paid watermark that can be displayed when an invoice is paid. |
name | The company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued. |
recipient | The company member who received the invoice. |
The email of the company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued. | |
country | The country of the company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued. |
zip | The zip of the company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued. |
city | The city of the company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued. |
state | The state of the company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued. |
address | The address of the company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued. |
regId | The registration number of the company to whom the invoice/credit note is issued. |
vatId | The VAT number of the company to whom the invoice/credit note is issued. |
Information about the company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued. Review the available properties for the customer. | |
organizationName | The business name of your account in OfficeRnD Flex, as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details. |
organizationContact | The Accountable Person of your account in OfficeRnD Flex, as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details. |
organizationCity | The city of your organization, as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details. |
organizationAddress | Your organization's address, as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details. |
organizationVatId | Your organization's VAT ID (tax number), as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details. |
organizationRegId | Your organization's Reg ID (registration number), as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details. |
organizationAccountBank | The name of your bank, as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details. |
organizationAccountIban | The IBAN of your bank account, as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details. |
organizationAccountBic | The BIC of your bank account, as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details. |
organizationLock.endDate | The billing lock date (configured in your OfficeRnD Flex account). |
organizationInvoicingPeriod | Your organization invoicing period. |
organizationInvoicingVat | Your organization's VAT type (for example, "included", "excluded"). |
organizationCurrency | Your organization currency. |
Information about the location of the contract. Review its detailed properties. | |
locationId | The ID number of the location targeted in the contract. |
method | The invoice/credit note payment method, eg. "Bank Transfer" |
properties | List of custom invoice/credit note properties. |
A detailed list of the line items included in the invoice/credit note. Review all available information, which you can print on the document. | |
itemsByAccount | A detailed list of the line items grouped by a revenue account. Review all available information, which you can print on the document. |
amount | The total amount of the invoice/credit note with taxes. |
subtotal | The total amount of the invoice/credit note without taxes. |
discount | The discount value (percent or value off) applied on the invoice/credit note. |
discountAmount | The amount of the discount applied on the invoice/credit note. |
payableAmount | The amount to be paid. |
isPaid | Determines whether the invoice is fully paid. |
baseAmount | The amount of the invoice/credit note without taxes. |
vatAmount | The tax amount applied on the invoice/credit note. |
vatPercent | The tax percent applied on the invoice/credit note. |
currency.code | The currency of the invoice/credit note. |
exchangeRate | The exchange rate between currencies that is set in the system. |
amountInBaseCurrency | The total amount of the invoice/credit note with taxes, in the organization's default currency. |
Detailed information about the taxes applied on the line items in the invoice/credit note. Review its detailed properties. | |
Detailed information about the total amounts of the taxes applied on the line items in the invoice/credit note. Review its detailed properties. | |
issueDate | The date that the invoice was created. |
issuedBy | The name of the person who issued the invoice/credit note. |
allocations | Holds the information about the allocated documents, such as documentType, label and amount. The amount should be a float number without any currency formatting. Example:
totalAllocations | Holds the total amount of allocations applied to the invoice. The amount should be a float number without any currency formatting. |
If you are invoicing contracts, this property provides detailed information about the contracts. Review its detailed properties. |
This property provides a detailed list of the line items included in the invoice/credit note. It is a collection of items, and therefore, it has to be traversed by a for cycle.
By traversing the collection of line items, you can display the following information about each item added to the invoice/credit note:
Property/Placeholder | Description |
items[0].baseTotal | The total amount of the invoice/credit note line without taxes. |
items[0].total | The total amount of the invoice/credit note line with taxes. |
items[0].subtotal | The invoice/credit note line subtotal(depends on the type of tax). |
items[0].unitPrice | The unit price of the line item without tax. The property is formatted as a currency string. |
items[0].price | The price of the line item without tax. This property is a numeric value. |
items[0].baseUnitPrice | The unit price of the line item without tax. The property is formatted as a currency string. |
items[0].description | The line item description. |
items[0].discount | The discount percentage or value off on the invoice/credit note line. |
items[0].discountAmount | The discount amount on the invoice/credit note line, including any applied taxes. |
items[0].vatPercent | The VAT percent on the invoice/credit note line. |
items[0].vatAmount | The VAT amount on the invoice/credit note line. |
items[0].quantity | The quantity of the item included in the line. |
items[0].startDate | Start date of the item(e.g. membership start date). |
items[0].endDate | End date of the item(e.g. membership end date). |
items[0].account | The ID of the revenue account of the item. |
items[0].taxRate | The ID of the tax rate applied to the item. |
items[0].plan | The ID of the billing plan associated with the line item. |
items[0].membership | The ID of the membership associated with the line item. |
items[0].itemCode | The unique code of the membership plan. |
items[0].office | The id of the location of the line item. |
The taxInfo property provides details information about the taxes applied on the invoice/credit note.
Property/Placeholder | Description |
taxInfo.totalTaxable | Total taxable amount(without tax). |
taxInfo.totalTaxes | Total tax amount. |
taxInfo.vatPercent | VAT percent. |
taxInfo.amounts[0].baseAmount | invoice/credit note amount without tax. |
taxInfo.amounts[0].taxAmount | Amount of tax on the invoice/credit note. |
taxInfo.amounts[0].components[0].name | The name of the tax component applied on the invoice/credit note. |
taxInfo.amounts[0].components[0].percent | The percentage of the tax component applied to the invoice/credit note. |
taxInfo.amounts[0].components[0].total | The amount of the tax component on the invoice/credit note. |
taxInfo.amounts[0] | The tax rate name applied to the amount. |
taxInfo.amounts[0].taxRate.rate | The tax rate percent applied to the amount. |
VAT Amounts
The vatAmounts placeholder is the one giving you access to the invoice/credit note different VAT Amounts.
Property/Placeholder | Description |
vatAmounts[0].total | Amount of the tax component. |
vatAmounts[0].name | Name of the tax component. |
vatAmounts[0].percent | Percent of the tax component. |
This property provides additional information about the location of the invoice/credit note.
Property/Placeholder | Description | | Name of the location targeted in the invoice/credit note. |
location.address | Address of the location targeted in the invoice/credit note as configured under Space/Locations. | | The city of the location targeted in the invoice/credit note as configured under Space/Locations. | | The city ZIP of the location targeted in the invoice/credit note as configured under Space/Locations. | | List of any custom location properties. |
location.slug | The slug (URL name) of the location targeted in the invoice/credit note. |
This property provides a detailed list of the contracts referenced in the invoice/credit note. It is a collection of items, and therefore, it has to be traversed by a for cycle.
By traversing the collection of contracts, you can display the following information about each contract being invoiced/credited:
Property/Placeholder | Description |
contracts[0].signDate | The date the contract was signed. |
contracts[0].startDate | The contract start date. |
contracts[0].endDate | The contract end date. |
contracts[0].number | The contract number. |
This property provides information about the company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued:
Property/Placeholder | Description | | The customer email. | | The customer name. | | List of customer properties. |
Other Functions
Property/Placeholder | Description |
placeholder|money | Formats the value of the placeholder to a currency format. |
parseMoney(placeholder) | Parses the value of the placeholder so you can add or subtract numbers to it. |