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[Flex Data Hub] Revenue Overview
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The Revenue Overview dashboard displays data about your revenue and includes all fees and credit transactions regardless of their invoicing status.

All data presented does not include taxes.

Before you start

Dashboard overview

The Revenue Overview dashboard includes multiple widgets that display various data related to your revenue.

The four widgets at the top of the dashboard provide summarized insights about your organization's revenue in the selected timeframe. You can see:

  • The total revenue (excluding tax)

  • The total revenue generated from recurring memberships

  • The total revenue generated from one-off fees

  • The total credit (overpayments, credit notes) issued in the selected period

There are six more widgets that split your revenue by certain values. Read more about each one of them below.

How is data calculated?

The dashboard lists every entity with which you have a direct commercial relationship. It can show Companies, Company Members (if they have personal fees/memberships), and/or Individual Members.

The dashboard includes data for all fees and credit transactions, regardless of their invoicing status. This includes:

  • Membership fees

  • One-off fees (including bookings and deposits)

  • Credit Notes

  • Overpayments




Fees that have been invoiced will appear on the dashboard with their invoiced amount, and fees that have yet to be invoiced will appear with their original amount.

Recurring memberships invoiced for more than a month in the same invoice will have their invoiced amount distributed proportionally between the months covered by the invoice, with proration applied in the first month if needed.

Line items

Manually created line items in invoices will appear in this report. Always void invoices before detaching line items from them to avoid duplicate data.

Membership fees

Membership fees that have been invoiced will appear on the dashboard with their invoiced amount, and fees that have yet to be invoiced will appear with their original amount.

Membership fee transactions are recorded based on the following:

  • the start date of the membership (in the first month the membership is activated)

  • the first day of the billing cycle of the respective Company/Member (when the membership recurs for the 2nd time or more)

One-off fees

One-off fee transactions are recorded based on the start date of the fee. Fees that have been invoiced will appear on the dashboard with their invoiced amount, and fees that have yet to be invoiced will appear with their original amount.

Booking fees

Booking fees are recorded based on the booking's start date. Fees that have been invoiced will appear on the dashboard with their invoiced amount, and fees that have yet to be invoiced will appear with their original amount.


Deposits and processing fees will appear as line items in this report. To remove them, use the "Revenue Account" filter.


  • A one-off fee starting November 5 will appear on the same date: November 5.

  • A membership with a start date of February 15, an end date of April 31, and a billing date on the first day of every month will appear:

    • On February 15

    • On March 1

    • On April 1​


  • Tax is excluded from the total amount of each transaction.

  • Detaching a line item without voiding the corresponding invoice will result in the item being included twice. To ensure the accuracy of the data, we recommend voiding the invoice before detaching any items.

Why does a line item have a negative amount?

A negative amount will appear as a line item if:

  • you have created a fee with a negative value. In this case, the transaction will be recorded based on the start date of the negative fee.

  • a fee/membership was credited (a Credit Note was issued, or an Overpayment was used to credit it). In this case, the transaction is recorded:

    • on the current date if the transaction you're crediting is in the past

    • on the start date of the line item being credited if the transaction you're crediting is in the future.​

Revenue split by revenue account

This widget displays the total revenue generated in a given month. Each bar is broken down by Revenue Account.

Revenue growth split by revenue account

The percentage growth of each revenue account as compared to the previous month. The value for the first month of the selected date range is always 0 because there is no preceding month to compare the revenue.

Revenue split by invoicing status

Compares the invoiced and the not-invoiced revenue.

Revenue split by Billing Plan

Displays each Revenue Account's contribution to your total revenue for the selected period. Please note that a maximum of 50 plans can be shown on the chart simultaneously.

Top 20 customers ranked by total revenue

Ranks your customers based on their generated revenue during the selected period.

Top 20 customers ranked by total credit issued

Ranks your customers based on the credit they have generated (Credit Notes issued) in the selected period.

If you want to see more than 20 customers, download the chart's data and select Advanced data options > Results > As displayed in the data table.

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