The OfficeRnD Member Portal is a web application that allows employees to use your workspace's facilities and services. As an administrator, you can customize the layout with default (modules), custom pages, menu items, and widgets. This is done from the Admin Portal in Settings > Member Apps.
The changes you apply to the Member Portal pages also apply to the Members app. Each page on the Member Portal represents a screen in the Members app.
Access the Member Portal
Click the Member Apps button in the top right corner of the Admin Portal and open the Members Portal:
Employees receive an email link for registration and access the Members Portal from there. You can also define a custom URL for it in Settings > Account Details > Account Setup. A custom domain is also a possibility.
Default Pages
The default available menus in the member portal depend on:
The status of the person that's logged in.
The Statuses field in Settings > Member Apps > Member Pages.
We can divide member statuses into two groups: Active and Non-Active. Click here to learn more about these statuses.
Non-Active members have access to these items:
Dashboard - Includes your Welcome picture, as well as quick view menus on the right for your Bookings and Tickets (disabled by default), as well as How-To Guides.
Meeting Rooms Calendar - calendar that will allow your members to book rooms.
Hotdesk Calendar - calendar that will allow your members to book desks (disabled by default).
Billing - billing section with several subsections including Invoices, Payments Details, Memberships, One-Off Fees and Credits.
Account - a section that includes several subsections, such as Profile, Bookings, Tickets, Terms and Conditions.
Events - split by current and past, the events module will allow your members to see all events and eventually RSVP.
Shop - contains plans and one-off fees to purchase (disabled by default).
How-To Guides - includes the added how-to guides for each location.
Active members have access to everything Non-Active members have, plus:
Dashboard - the Active members Dashboard includes the public feed where members can see posts from admins and other members.
Members - This section is a directory where you can view a list of Members or Companies using the co-working space.
Messages - A page that allows you to send messages to other members or read ones you received (disabled by default).
About Us - Additional information for each location as well as the admins managing the co-working space.
Benefits - A list of benefits that members have access to.
Activate and deactivate Member Pages
Go to Settings > Members Apps > Member Pages. There, check and uncheck the options to control which pages and functions are available for members in the Member Portal:
Change the Title, Icon, and Order
Change the title, icon and order of the pages by using the cogwheel next to each page and clicking Edit. Pages with the same number are ordered alphabetically. This can be done when you scroll down to the Main Menu and Personal Menus sections in Settings > Member Apps > Member Pages.
Create custom pages
Custom pages are additional pages you can add that are only visible to Active members.
To create a custom page, scroll to the Custom Pages section at the bottom of the page and click Add Page.
In the Add Page dialog, you can customize the page to your heart's content:
1. (optional) In the Order field, enter a number representing where you want your page to be in the left-side menu.
2. Enter the page title (required)
3. Choose an icon
4. Select one of the following page types from the Type drop-down menu:
Calendar Page - create a custom calendar page that shows the availability of any resource type.
Member Wall Page - create a custom wall page that shows contacts from your members' database with a specific tag or status.
Static Page - create a simple HTML page with custom content.
External (Embedded) Page - create an iFrame-based page to embed in your Members Portal. Please be aware that loading the embedded page in the Mobile app could be disrupted in case there are issues with the domain's SSL.
Moreover, there are several placeholders that you can put in the external page URL (surrounded by double curly braces - ##{{placeholderName}}). With those placeholders, you can create a query string that shows a more personalized page based on the member details. The placeholders are - memberName, memberId, companyName, companyId, token. The token placeholder will be replaced with a token string, which can be used to pass an Authorization header to call some APIs on behalf of the member.
5. Edit the page content inside the content editor.
6. Choose which member statuses and/or tags will be shown in the custom page.
7. Choose your privacy settings.
8. When you're finished, click Add.