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[Flex] Review and Manage Invoices
[Flex] Review and Manage Invoices
Updated over 2 months ago

While reviewing and managing invoices, you may have to void, send, delete, export, or create a credit note for some of them. This article will show you how to do these operations, in addition to how to edit an invoice.

Before you read this article, consider getting familiar with the information in Adding Manual Invoice.

Manage invoices

To manage invoices, go to Billing & Products > Invoices. This will open a view with all invoices which can be searched for and filtered by:

  • Paid

  • Overdue

  • Failed

  • From - To

  • Period

  • Status

  • Label

  • Document Type

  • Payment Method

  • Customer

  • Invoice Issue Date - The date the invoice was sent to the customer.

  • Invoice Creation Date - The moment the invoice was created. Note that this is not the issue date, due date, or period.

  • Payment Creation Date - the date when the payment was added to the invoice. Note that this is not the date field you see when clicking Add Payment.

  • Custom Property - you can find more about custom properties in How to Add Custom Properties.


  • Invoices will not appear as results in the Global Search bar in the top left of the OfficeRnD Flex UI. Use the search bar in Billing & Products > Invoices and the Invoices section of the Member and Company profile pages.

  • The total amount for the selected period is displayed at the top. The total amount is a sum of all invoices and Credit Notes that have not been refunded. Overpayments are not included in the total amount.


When an invoice is opened, the following managing options are available:

  • Exporting and downloading an invoice. More information about that operation is available in Export Invoices.

  • Send an invoice. The Send button will send the invoice to the billing person of the member to whom the invoice is issued.

  • Void an invoice. When you mark an invoice as void, it will not be removed from the system but will be automatically excluded from all reports.

  • Issue a credit note in cases when you must return the amount of an existing invoice to its owner. Follow the How to Issue a credit note tutorial to issue a credit note.

  • Delete an invoice. An invoice can be deleted if it is not paid or credited back. However, note that deleting an invoice removes it from the system, and the invoicing sequence can be broken.

  • Manually add a payment. You can find more information in Adding Manual Charge To An Invoice.

Edit an invoice

Click Edit. This will open the Edit Invoice dialog. This window is similar to the invoice generation window.


You can edit the following details of an invoice:

  1. Issue Date - select the date of issue. This is the date that will appear on the invoice.

  2. Due Date - select the due date. This is the date that your member will be charged.

  3. Reference - a field for any kind of note/reference.

  4. Payment Method - the payment method that will be used by the automatic bill run.

  5. Discount - apply a percentage discount on the invoice.

  6. The Description, Unit Price, Quantity, and Discount of every line item.

  7. Add new line items and existing fees.

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