With Flex Data Hub, you can review your core space metrics and KPIs in pre-built dashboards. Using our many filters, you can drill down on the data, compare it to previous periods, and make informed decisions about your future goals.
Updates to the Data Hub data start at 00:15 UTC and repeat every two hours afterward. A sync takes between 5 and 10 minutes to complete. After the sync is completed, users can see the updated data.
Expand the visible space
When you are working with charts and data, one of the most important things is space. You need to see the amounts, percentages, and comparisons clearly. This is how you can create additional space.
Minimize the navigation menu – You can minimize the navigation menu to see more of the data.
Hide the Filters – To hide the filters and see more data, click the
button at the right end of the filters section.
Each dashboard has a set of specific filters. Use them to narrow down data in the widgets. The filters are available at the top of the dashboard. Using them is straightforward. Choose your set of filters and click Refresh to update the results.
The action buttons on the right of the top bar let you refresh the widgets (click ), show or hide the filters (click
), and access a menu with options to download data from the entire dashboard and reset the filters (click
All applied filters are added to the URL parameters. For example, https://workplace.officernd.com/ornd-workplace-office/data?Time+Frame=30+day&Location=London+Office&Floor=Floor+1&Resource+Type=Meeting+room. You can use this to:
easily send filtered views to colleagues
add links to specifically filtered dashboards for quick reference in presentations or files
save and return to frequently used filtered views with a single click
Download data from the entire dashboard
Data from the dashboard can be exported in PDF or CSV format. PDF export lets you choose the document properties: paper size, show all rows, and arrange tiles in a single column.
Click the ︙ icon and then Download.
In the Download dialog, configure the download settings.
Download data from a single widget
You can download data from any widget in one of the following formats:
TXT (tab-separated values)
Excel Spreadsheet (Excel 2007 or later)
PNG (Image of visualization)
To download widget data:
Move your mouse cursor over a widget, click the ︙ icon, and then Download.
In the Download dialog, configure the download settings.
You can also specify a custom range of rows and columns to export data. Up to 5000 rows can be downloaded.
Select and zoom
Click and drag inside a widget to zoom in on a part of the chart. Click on the Reset Zoom button to restore the original view.
Expanded view
Each widget can be opened in Expanded View. Click on the Tile Actions button and select View>Expanded.
Drill data
Some widgets let you click inside the chart to 'drill' into a particular period for a given topic. For example, here we can drill into the total bookings duration report for Feb 2024 by start date or date of the week:
The drilled information can be presented in an expanded chart or table view. Both can be exported and downloaded in the file formats listed under the Download Data section.
Grid options
Some dashboards contain grids instead of widgets. Hover and click the ︙ icon in each grid to access the following options:
Download exported data
Autosize all columns
Reset all column widths
Open the grid in Expanded view