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[Flex] Export Invoices and Payments Data
[Flex] Export Invoices and Payments Data
Updated over 2 months ago

OfficeRnD offers the functionality to export invoice and payments data as .CSV spreadsheet files. Additionally, invoice documents can be exported as .PDF files. This is very helpful for archiving and bringing data from Flex into external software (i.e. emails, document editors).

How To Export Invoice Data

1. Navigate to Billing & Products/Invoices.

2. Select the invoices you want to export data from.

Note: When selecting documents for Export, the Number column includes all selected documents, but the Amount column (which shows invoiced revenue) only sums Invoices amounts + Credit Notes amounts to calculate total invoiced revenue/amount. Voided documents and Overpayments are not part of the calculation.

3. Click on the Export button in the top right corner of the screen.

export paym but.png

4. Choose Export Invoice Data, select the file format (CSV or PDF), and click Next.

ex pres step 1.png

5. Select Use Custom Presets and choose the preset from the drop-down menu.

step 2 ex pres.png

6. Click Export Invoice Data and save the file. A complete list of the available properties for export and their descriptions is available here.

How To Export Payments Data

1. Navigate to Billing & Products/Invoices.

2. Select the invoices you want to export data from.

3. Click on the Export button in the top right corner of the screen.

export paym but.png

4. Select Export Payment Data and click Next.

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5. Select Use Custom Presets and choose a preset from the drop-down menu.

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6. Click on Export Payments Data and save the file.

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