User and Admin permissions in OfficeRnD are based on a role system, which includes a few default roles that cover the most common management roles. You can learn more about these roles and the permissions they grant here.
Create custom roles and permissions
OfficeRnD allows you to create custom roles too. Custom permission roles can grant only specific permissions, enabling strongly specific roles and minor tweaks, such as limiting access to certain modules.
Note: Whenever an entity of a module is set to "None," the user assigned the role in question will be able to view that entity but not perform any actions. For example, if a user has "None" permissions for "Messages" in "Collaboration", they'll still be able to see the section. The only to hide a section entirely is to set the whole module to be based on role "No access".
When defining a new role, a vast set of actions can be enabled/disabled for the organization's admins. Below is a full list of all permissions that we currently support in the system. Each one can be enabled or disabled on its own:
Module | Entity | Permissions | Center Manager | Owner |
Community | Check-ins | Create, Edit | YES | YES |
Community | One-off Fees | Create, Edit, Delete, Export | YES | YES |
Community | One-off Fees | Approve, Import | NO | YES |
Community | Company | Create, Edit, Delete, Export | YES | YES |
Community | Company | Merge, Import | NO | YES |
Community | Members | Create, Edit, Delete, Export | YES | YES |
Community | Members | Merge, Import | NO | YES |
Community | Attachments | Create, Edit, Delete | YES | YES |
Community | Contracts | Create, Edit, Send For eSign, Mark As Signed, Serve Notice, Terminate, Generate PDF, Preview PDF, Export | YES | YES |
Community | Contracts | Add & Approve | NO | YES |
Community | Memberships | Create, Edit, Delete, Assign | YES | YES |
Community | Memberships | Approve | YES | YES |
Community | Memberships | Lock, Import | NO | YES |
Community | Opportunities | Create, Edit, Delete, Export | YES | YES |
Community | Day Passes | Create, Edit, Delete | YES | YES |
Community | Credits | Create, Edit, Delete | YES | YES |
Community | Payment Details | Create, Delete | YES | YES |
Community | Orders | Create, Change Status, Generate PDF, Export | YES | YES |
Collaboration | Events | Create, Edit, Delete | YES | YES |
Collaboration | Messages | Create, Edit, Delete | YES | YES |
Collaboration | Issues | Edit, Delete | YES | YES |
Collaboration | Posts | Create, Edit, Delete | YES | YES |
Collaboration | Contacts | Export | YES | YES |
Collaboration | Benefits | Create, Edit, Delete | YES | YES |
Collaboration | Articles | Create, Edit, Delete | YES | YES |
Billing | Invoices | Create, Edit, Delete, Sync, Export, Void, Send | YES | YES |
Billing | Receipts | Generate, Send, Delete | YES | YES |
Billing | Invoice Line Items | Edit | YES | YES |
Billing | Plans | Create, Edit, Delete, Merge, Export | YES | YES |
Billing | Goods | Create, Edit, Delete, Export | YES | YES |
Billing | Stores | Create, Edit, Delete | YES | YES |
Billing | Rates | Create, Edit, Delete, Export | YES | YES |
Billing | Amenities | Create, Edit, Delete | YES | YES |
Billing | Discounts | Create, Edit, Delete | YES | YES |
Space | Resources | Create, Edit | YES | YES |
Space | Resources | Delete, Import | NO | YES |
Space | Locations | Create, Edit | YES | YES |
Space | Locations | Delete | NO | YES |
Space | Floors | Create, Edit, Clone | YES | YES |
Space | Floors | Delete | NO | YES |
Calendar | Booking | Create, Edit, Delete, Cancel | YES | YES |
Settings | Templates | Create, Edit, Delete | NO | NO |
Further information
When a new role is created, its permissions are based on two things - the Modules that an admin with that role would have access to and the level of access they have for these modules. Three different access levels are based on the default teammate roles - Viewer, Manager, and Owner. The new role will automatically receive all permissions marked as YES for these default roles in the table above. The Viewer can see all modules, excluding the Settings one, but can't make any changes.
Note: Regardless of the permission level that is chosen for the Dashboard, Analytics, and Settings modules, only Viewer permissions will be granted. Only the Owner role can edit settings.
If a role is based on one of our Roles in a specific Module and no changes are made, these changes will automatically be applied when we make any changes to the permissions. If a role has Module permissions not based on one of the default roles, no changes will be made to that Module to ensure that no unwanted permissions will be granted. Any further changes to such a role should be made manually.
Import permissions
Flex offers fully independent granular import permissions for the following entities:
An Import button is available on each resource page from the Space module to provide easier access to the new import of resources:
All custom roles with the relevant import permissions will be able to see the Import button on the related pages in the Community and/or Space modules. They will also be able to import records.
Custom admin role
When a custom admin role has Viewer Access to Settings, it will still see all import tabs, but from now on, it will see the Upload CSV button and previous import history only for the entities for which it has permissions.
Custom owner and manager roles
When a custom role is based on an Owner, we will include preselected import permissions. Manager-based roles, however, must be manually selected.