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[Flex] Import Companies
Updated over 2 months ago

In OfficeRnD, you can easily import your customer data during the initial setup and onboarding. Ideally, this process begins by importing your company's data. The functionality is found under the Companies tab in Settings > Data & Extensibility > Import.

This article describes the Companies Import process. After importing, existing data can also be updated and edited.

Important information

  1. It's best to download our template to see which columns must be filled out to complete the import. Alternatively, you can use your own CSV spreadsheet file and match the columns in it to those in OfficeRnD.

  2. If there is a validation error when uploading the data, you might be unable to proceed unless the error is fixed. There are two types of error warnings:

    1. Red: an error that should be fixed in order to continue with the import.

    2. Yellow: this is a warning, but you can still finish the import.

  3. If the companies already exist in the system, new ones will not be added; instead, the system will update the existing ones.

  4. Empty Spaces at the beginning and end of the entry will be removed automatically.

Import flow steps

The Companies Import flow contains three main steps: Upload spreadsheet, Match columns, and Summary. We will go through each one in detail:

Upload spreadsheet

  1. Download the example file to get started. You can also click on the "Download template" button in the Companies tab.

  2. Upload your .CSV file by clicking on the Upload CSV button.


The mandatory columns are the following (they will have a * symbol included for that purpose):

  • Company Name – The name of the company that will be added or updated.

  • Location – The company's location.

  • Start Date – For the company's start date, note that one of the following formats should be used: YYYY-MM-DD, DD/MM/YYYY, or MM/DD/YYYY.

Other columns that can be used (optional):

  • Company Email

  • Twitter

  • URL

  • Billing Name

  • VAT Number

  • Reg Number

  • Address

  • City

  • State

  • Zip

  • Country

  • Tags

Match columns

  1. Choose the date format to help OfficeRnD parse the dates

    First, you must select the date format used in your CSV file to help OfficeRND set the companies' start dates correctly. This is important because if the format is not set correctly, you won't be able to continue.

  2. Match the columns from your file to properties in OfficeRnD

    At the bottom of the Import page, you will be able to see two rows of columns:

    • The first row displays the default columns in OfficeRnD.

    • The second row displays the columns in the uploaded file. You can match your columns to the columns in OfficeRnD to ensure the data from your columns will be used in the default OfficeRnD column. Custom property fields can also be matched to an existing custom property in OfficeRnD.


    • If the data contains errors or inconsistencies, the system will display a warning and may not let you continue. You can see a description of the problem either on the problematic row or the whole column.


Note: If there is an error message that you cannot troubleshoot for some reason, you can reach out to [email protected].


  1. Review the import summary showing what data will be added or updated.

  2. Save your choices as a matching preset for future imports. While columns will be automatically matched, you can still edit them.
    To save a preset, click on "Save preset CSV," set an Import Settings Name, and save the changes made. You will be able to choose this matching preset in future imports.


  3. Click on the Import button.

  4. You will receive a confirmation of the successful data import.

Update companies using the Import feature

As we mentioned earlier, the Import feature can be used for updating purposes. If the companies already exist in the system, the system will update the existing ones with the data from the new .CSV file. Here's an example:


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