OfficeRnD can automatically import and map your bookings to the team and members who created them.
The feature is available in Settings > Data & Extensibility > Import > Bookings tab.
The step-by-step import process in OfficeRnD is explained here.
In this article, you'll find the format we use to import your existing data.
Before you start
Add members with whom bookings will be associated. You can import all your existing members as described here.
Add and configure Meeting Rooms under Space > Meeting rooms.
No email notifications will be sent to the admin or the member on whose behalf the booking will be created.
OfficeRnD lets you import bookings from a CSV file using the following columns. Note that fields marked with '*' are required.
Email * - Email of the member who created the booking. Members must exist in the system before importing their bookings.
Start * - Date and time of the beginning of the booking.
End * - Date and time of the end of the booking.
The Start and End fields should be in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm.
Meeting Room * - Name of the Meeting Room. It needs to match the name of the Meeting Room in OfficeRnD.
Title (optional) - Summary of the booking.
Description (optional) - Additional information about the booking.
Free (yes/no) (optional) - Mark the booking as Free. The default value is No. If set to No, a fee will be created, or credits will be allocated.
Custom price (optional) for the booking.
Extras and their quantities (optional)
You can download a template .CSV file and fill in the columns. Feel free to delete the optional columns (or leave them empty) if you don't need them.
Important information
Make sure to use the exact headers listed above and add an email for every record. Otherwise, your data won't be imported correctly, as bookings without a valid email are skipped in the importing phase.
Quantity can be omitted (both the column and the value).
The plan name cannot be omitted.
Bookings for custom resources cannot be imported.
Please reach out to our support team if you need help importing your bookings or other data.