OfficeRnD Workplace can automatically import your bookings and map them to the team and member who created them. The feature is available by going to Settings > Import and opening the Bookings tab.
In this article, you'll find the format and steps we use to import your existing data.
Before you start
Add employees with whom bookings will be associated. If needed, you can import your existing employees as described here.
Add and configure Meeting Rooms under Workplace > Resources.
Note: The bookings import feature in Workplace is set to work only for Meeting Room bookings by default.
OfficeRnD lets you import bookings from a CSV file using the following columns. Download a template.CSV file from here. Note that fields marked with an asterisk * are required.
Email * - Email of the employee who created the booking. Members must exist in the system before importing their bookings.
Start * - Date and time of the booking's beginning.
End * - Date and time of the booking end.
The Start and End fields should be in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm.
Meeting Room * - Name of the Meeting Room. It needs to match the Meeting Room name in OfficeRnD.
Title (optional) - Summary of the booking.
Description (optional) - Additional information about the booking.
You can download a template .CSV file and fill in the columns, if you wish. Feel free to delete the optional columns (or leave them empty) if you don't need them.
Use the exact headers listed above and add an email for every record. Otherwise, your data won't be imported correctly, as bookings without a valid email are skipped in the importing phase.
Bookings for custom resources cannot be imported.
Next Steps
1. Click Validate and Submit .
2. Select your .CSV file and click Open.
If the import is successful, the following message will appear: We Are Working On Importing Your Data.
Otherwise, Validation Error messages (such as the ones below) will appear, explaining what went wrong:
Please reach out to our Support Team if you need help in importing your bookings or other data.