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[Flex] Email Activity Page
Updated over 2 months ago

The Email Activity page in the Collaboration module allows admins to review email notifications sent to admins, members, and non-members. Details include the date, subject, category, recipient, status, and sender. This information makes it easier to identify and resolve email issues.

This feature is currently in beta. Contact [email protected] if you want to enlist in the beta group and test the email activity view.

Email Activity

Email Activity is available in OfficeRnD Flex under Collaboration > Email Activity. It allows admins to review email notifications sent to admins, members, and non-members for the past 30 days. By default, the view is filtered for the current day.



The Email Activity grid lets admins review the following information:

  • Date Sent: the exact date and time when the email was sent. This helps track the timeline of email communications, and admins can filter by it.

  • Subject: the subject line of the email. This helps quickly identify a specific email thread.

  • Category: the email classification based on its purpose or function (e.g., Bookings, Financial, Contracts). Take a look at the categories we provide:

    • Authorization Requests

      • Authorize card - Sent to members when required to authorize their card.

      • Authorize payment - Sent to members when required to authorize a payment.

      • Request Payment Details / Mandate - Sent to members when an admin requests a payment method mandate setup.

    • Bookings

      • Booking Cancelled - Sent when a meeting room booking is canceled.

      • Booking Created - Member - Sent when a member successfully books a meeting room.

      • Booking Created - Public - Sent to a new member when successfully books a meeting room through the public calendar.

      • Booking Invitation - Guests - Sent to the guests when a member successfully books a meeting room.

      • Booking Requested - Member - Sent when a member requests to book a meeting room.

      • Booking Requested - Public - Sent to a new member when successfully requests to book a meeting room through the public calendar.

      • Booking Updated - Sent when a meeting room booking is changed.

      • Booking Updated - Guests - Sent to the guests when a meeting room booking is changed.

      • Bookings Summary - Sent when a bookings summary is generated for the company on the admin side.

      • Upcoming Booking Reminder - Sent to members when they have an upcoming booking.

      • Upcoming Booking Reminder - Check-in Required - Sent when an upcoming booking requires the member to check in.

    • Collaboration

      • Message - Sent when you or a member sends message to another member.

    • Contracts

      • Contract Completed - Sent to the member when all parties have signed the contract.

      • Signature Requested - Sent to the signers of the contract.

    • Financial

      • Checkout - Sent when a member checkouts additional plans and services.

      • Failed Payment - Sent to members when one of their payments fails.

      • Invoice - Sent when an invoice is manually or automatically created on the admin side.

      • Order Invoice - Sent when an invoice is automatically generated immediately after a purchase or a booking is made on the members portal or public calendars.

      • Overdue Invoice - First Reminder - First overdue invoice reminder sent on the invoice due date.

      • Overdue Invoice - Second Reminder - Second overdue invoice reminder sent after the due date.

      • Overdue Invoice - Third Reminder - Third overdue invoice reminder sent after the due date.

      • Receipt - Sent when a receipt is manually or automatically created on the admin side.

      • Statement - Sent when a statement is generated for a customer on the admin side.

    • Orders

      • Order Status Changed - Sent when an order status is changed.

      • Order Updated - Sent when an order is updated.

    • Tickets

      • Issue is marked as closed - Sent when an issue is closed.

      • Issue Submitted - Sent when a new issue has been created by a member or admin.

      • New Comment on issue - Sent when an admin adds a comment on the issue.

    • Tours

      • Tour Booking Cancelled - Sent when a tour booking has been canceled.

      • Tour Booking Created - Sent when a tour booking has been created.

      • Tour Booking Updated - Sent when a tour booking has been updated.

    • User Management

      • Request - Sent when a member signs up to the members portal.

      • Reset Password - Sent when a member requests to reset his/her password.

      • Welcome - Sent when a member signs up to the members portal.

    • Admin

      • All email notifications sent from OfficeRnD Flex to the admin team members

  • Sender: the email address of the person/account that sent the email. This helps in identifying the source of the email communication (OfficeRnD Admin, OfficeRnD default email or the customer’s custom email).

  • Recipient: the email address of the person or entity to whom the email was sent. This helps identify the intended recipient of the communication.

  • Status: The current state of the email, indicating whether it was successfully delivered, opened, clicked, or failed to deliver. This helps in tracking the effectiveness and reach of the email.

Additional Details

  • The grid can be filtered by Location using the global location filter in OfficeRnD Flex.

  • For some accounts, such as trial accounts, a limitation is imposed on the number of email notifications sent daily. The following warning will appear at the top of the view: “Your account has a daily limit on the number of email notifications sent. For assistance, please contact our team at [email protected]."

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