OfficeRnD allows you to set different PO numbers for memberships and fees per customer (a company or member). Usually, you want PO Numbers to be shown in the customer invoices. However, there is no poNumber field in the invoice templates. So how do we do that?
You must use the invoice's Reference field to display the PO Number on an invoice. Go to Settings > Billing Settings > Billing Rules and head to the Invoice reference template field:
You can include the following properties in the template - ##{{ poNumber }}, ##{{ issueMonth }}, ##{{ periodStartMonth }}, and ##{{ contractNumber }}.
While you can set membership and fee PO Numbers per customer, there is only one field that you can add to the reference template. Here are the rules by which this field is calculated:
If there are only fees in the invoice, the Fees PO Number will be used
If there are only memberships in the invoice, the Memberships PO Number will be used
If there are both fees and memberships in the invoice, the Memberships PO Number will be used
Once you have configured the reference template you can use it in the invoice template by adding the following: ##{{ reference }}
The Reference field for previous invoices will not be reset.