Each contract in OfficerRnD has a unique identifier, also known as an Agreement ID. The template generates the value, which can be configured from Settings > Platform Modules > Templates > Contracts. OfficeRnD also allows you to modify the contract numbering sequence further.
Dynamic Tokens
Go to Settings > Platform Modules > Templates > Contracts and open a template. Below is a list of dynamic tokens for use in the numbering section of the template:
##{{year}} - This token will render to the year selected in the YYYY format according to the start date of the contract (e.g., “CON - 2020).
##{{locationCode}} - This token will render the string inputted in the Location Code filled in the contract location settings.
The location code can be found in Space/Locations once you open a location's Edit window. It is located in the General tab under unique code. (e.g “CON - MySpace).##{{number}} - This token will render the next free number in the sequence after the rest of the template is matched to the already existing contracts.
The ##{{number}} token can be restarted based on the other tokens. When the other tokens change, the ##{{number}} token will have a separate number sequence based on the rendered result.
Say the template is “##{{year}} - ##{{number}}” and the ##{{year}} token restarts the sequence:
The first contract with a start day in 2020 will have the number “2020 - 1”
The next contract with a start day in 2021 will have the number “2021 - 1” because the ##{{number}} token restarts with the change of ##{{year}.
If the setting for restarting the ##{{number}} token was off and neither of the dynamic tokens was used, the contract sequence in 2021 will remain unchanged. It will not start from (2021 - 1) but (2021 - 2) because of the ##{{number}} property and the fact that it isn't restarted, so the sequence does not start anew.