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[Flex] Configure Purchase Flows
Updated over 2 months ago

A Purchase Flow determines how users are billed when they create a booking or purchase an item.

Note: Products or bookings that require admin approval will not follow the Purchase Flow rules. In these cases, the services must be manually approved and invoiced.

Add a new purchase flow

Avoid creating multiple Purchase Flows for the same purpose.

To create a new Purchase Flow:

  1. Go to Settings > Billing Settings > Purchase Flows.

  2. Select Add Purchase Flow.

  3. Enter the following details:

    • Name – Specify the name of the Purchase Flow.

    • Member Status – Select the status of the members for which the flow will be used.

    • Plan Type – Select the Billing Plan type (for example, Dedicated Desk, Private Office, Parking Slot) that will trigger this Purchase Flow.

    • Plan – Select the Billing Plan that will trigger this Purchase Flow.

    • Custom property – The Purchase Flow will apply to members with the selected custom properties.

  4. Set your Purchase Flow options (see below ↓).

  5. Click Add to save the new Purchase Flow.

Purchase Flow options

To access and customize Purchase Flows:

  1. Go to Settings > Billing Settings > Purchase Flows.

  2. By default, there are two purchase flows:

    • Active members

    • Non-active members

  3. Select the cogwheel ⚙️ or click Add Purchase Flow.

  4. In the dialog, you can select any of the following checkboxes to configure the Purchase Flow options:

    • Generate an invoice for the purchase immediately: Automatically create an invoice after a purchase is completed.

    • Ask the user to provide payment details: Require users to enter their payment details when purchasing. This option works only if you have set up a payment integration. Learn how to set up payment integrations →

    • Charge invoice immediately: Automatically charge the invoice generated for the purchase.

    • Send the purchase invoice automatically: Automatically email the invoice to the user after the purchase.

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