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[Integration] Brivo in Flex
Updated over 2 months ago

The following steps will help you set up OfficeRnD and Brivo.

Brivo Mobile Access is possible with the OfficeRnD Branded App. Learn more.


  • After the initial sync where First Name, Last Name, Email, and Phone Number are synced (Company Name is NOT synced), changing the email and phone numbers will not automatically sync/update them between OfficeRnD and Brivo. You'll have to update them manually.

  • To see what access groups a given member is assigned to, admins need to open the member's profile page in Community/Members and click Show Details next to Door Access.

    door acc.png
  • It’s a common mistake that customers try using their email to log in, but in reality, it's their Administrator ID that should be used as the login username. If you don’t know your Administrator ID, you can find it once you log in to Brivo On Air and open the Home page:



1. Contact the Brivo API Team at [email protected] and ask them for an API key. You can mention it's needed for OfficeRnD.

2. Once you have the API Key, email OfficeRnD Support with the key and we'll activate Brivo for you.

3. Navigate to Settings/Integrations and find Brivo (this time it should be there). You should see the Connect button next to it. Click it and enter your Brivo credentials.

4. After you're done with 'Connect' (log in with your Brivo Administrator ID and password), you'll see a "Configure" button under the integration. Click on it to open the Configure Brivo window.

5. This window presents you with five tabs. Each one lets you map different OfficeRnD entities to Groups in Brivo. Each different entity mapping serves a certain purpose.


config brivo new.png

The first tab allows you to map a Plan (you can manage plans by going to Billing & Products/Plans) in OfficeRnD to a security group in Brivo. Once you create such a mapping, you are basically telling OfficeRnD: "Every time someone is assigned a membership with this plan, give them access to the following security groups".

Access will be automatically granted or revoked depending on when a membership starts or ends. Plan mappings are most often used with the so-called "Hot desk" plans to grant members access to a common area where those desks reside. However, smaller spaces use them to map "Dedicated desk" plans as well.

Note: If the membership does not have a member assigned, access will be granted to the whole team.



The second tab lets you map locations (you can manage locations by going to Space/Locations) to Brivo groups. Locations mappings work a lot like floor mappings. Whenever you assign a membership to a desk in a mapped location, the member will get access to the security groups mapped.

Example: Let's say that there's a location called London and it's mapped to the "General building access group". This means that if we go and assign a membership belonging to Joe to a desk on any floor in "London", we will grant Joe access to the "General building access group" in Brivo.

Note: If the membership does not have a member assigned, access will be granted to the whole team.


brivo floors.png

The third tab allows you to map floors (you can manage floors by going to Space/Locations) to security groups. Mappings here work like this: assigning a membership to a desk on a certain floor will grant access to all mapped groups.

Example: Let's say that there's a floor called Floor 1 in a location called London and the floor is mapped to "First-floor access group". This means that if we go and assign a membership belonging to Joe to a desk on "Floor 1" in "London", we will grant Joe access to "First floor access group" in Brivo.

Note: If the membership does not have a member assigned, access will be granted to the whole team.

Assignable Resources


The fourth tab allows you to map Resources (custom or otherwise) to Brivo groups.
The way the mapping works is that if you assign a specific private office via membership to a member/company, they will be added to the access group that you've defined in the mapping.

Bookable Resources


The fifth tab allows you to map Bookable resources (such as meeting rooms) to Brivo groups. Settings here take effect whenever someone creates a booking for a mapped meeting room.

Example: John books a meeting room through OfficeRnD Members portal (or an admin creates a booking on behalf of John through the Admin portal) for the Elephant meeting room. When the time of the booking approaches, John is granted access to the security groups mapped to that room. When the booking is over, access for John is revoked.

Note: Inviting a guest to a booking will grant them door access, based on the meeting room mappings that you have in your door access integration. Click on the links to learn how to add visitors as an admin or in the members portal.

Day Passes


The sixth tab allows you to indicate what access users with day passes will get. Every member or team that has day passes will get access to the security groups mapped in this tab. The access is revoked once all day passes are used up or when their validity ends.



The seventh tab is where you store your API key. As mentioned before in the article - this is initially entered when you add the integration to your organization.
If there are any changes to the API key for some reason, i.e. you're switching from one account to another you can change the key here.

Onair Passes


The last tab lets you can manage where Brivo Mobile Passes are assigned: automatically in the Brivo Mobile App or the OfficeRnD Branded App. You can learn more about Mobile Passes and their setup/uses from Brivo.

Note: In order for this functionality to work, please make sure that you've enabled this in your Brivo account first. For more information on the topic, please contact your Brivo rep.

5. After clicking Save, you are all set up to start using OfficeRnD and Brivo together. All the different configuration options above give you great control over who has access to where. This means you don’t have to worry about adding or removing people manually from a Brivo group anymore, as OfficeRnD will do that for you!

Providing access to people outside the organization

Sometimes you want to provide access to people outside the organization such as cleaners, VIP guests, and so on. If you add these people to some of the groups managed by OfficeRnD, they will be removed right away (as described above).

That's why we recommend creating a new group (without a prefix) that grants the appropriate permissions, and adding the person there. As this group will not be included in the configuration of the integration in OfficeRnD, access won't be revoked.

Important: OfficeRnD does not delete any accounts in Brivo. We do revoke their access once their membership ends, or they no longer have any day passes left, but the account does not get removed in Brivo.

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