In this article, you're going to learn about all email notifications that OfficeRnD Flex sends to Admins. These emails are sent to:
- The email address of your organization (set in Settings/Account Details/Account Setup)
- The e-mails of individual Admin users (set in Settings/Account Details/Admin Users)
General Emails
- Admin assigned to an issue - Sent when an admin is assigned to an issue.
- Admin SSO successfully enforced - Sent when an admin enforces admin SSO
- Contract Declined - Sent to the organization when a contract is declined.
- Contract eSigned - Sent to the organization when a contract is eSigned by the member.
- Contract Requires Attention - Sent to the member when all parties have signed the contract, but it can not be activated in OfficeRnD due to errors.
- Draft Invoices Generated - Sent to admins when the system generates draft invoices.
- New Comment on issue - Sent when a member adds a comment on the issue.
- Payment Details Removed - Sent to admins when a member removes saved payment details from their profile.
- Tour Booking Cancelled - Sent to the recipient chosen in Settings/Platform Modules/Tour Bookings when a tour booking has been cancelled.
- Tour Booking Created - Sent to the recipient chosen in Settings/Platform Modules/Tour Bookings when a tour booking has been created.
- Tour Booking Updated - Sent to the recipient chosen in Settings/Platform Modules/Tour Bookings when a tour booking has been updated.
OfficeRnD Notifications
- Awaiting Approval Fee - New fee that need an approval before being assigned to the member.
- OfficeRnD Booking Cancelled - Sent to admins when a booking is cancelled.
- Cancellation Request - Membership Cancellation Request.
- Contact person added a new company member - Sent to admins when a contact person adds a new company member.
- Contact person changed the status of company member - Sent to admins when a contact person changes the status of one of their company member.
- Contract Stage Changed - Contract stage changed.
- Draft Contract - New Draft Contract.
- Failed Payment - Sent to admins when any payment fails.
- Failed to Add or Increase a Processing Fee - Sent to admins when a processing fee cannot be increased or added to an invoice because of a billing lock-off.
- Failed to Remove or Decrease a Processing Fee - Sent to admins when a processing fee cannot be decreased or removed from an invoice because of a billing lock-off.
- Member Booking Created - Sent to admins when a member books a meeting room.
- Member Booking Request - Sent to admins when a member requests to book a meeting room.
- Member Booking Updated - Sent to admins when a meeting room booking is changed.
- Member Checkout - Sent to admins when a member orders additional plans and services from the members portal.
- Member Feedback - Sent to admins when a member reports an issue or sends a feedback.
- Member Join - Sent to admins when a member signs up to the members portal.
- Member Request - Sent to admins when a member submits a request from the members portal.
- Order Status Changed - Sent when an order status is changed.
- Order Updated - Sent when an order is updated.
- Public Booking Created - Sent to admins when a customer books a meeting room from the public calendar.
- Public Booking Request - Sent to admins when a customer requests to book a meeting room from the public calendar.
- Rolling Memberships Created - Rolling memberships created.
- Trial about to expire - Sent to members when trial is about to expire.
- Trial has expired - Sent to members when trial has expired.
- Upcoming tentative booking - Sent to admins a day before tentative bookings.
- Weekly Report - Scheduled admin report.
- Location usage changed - Sent when location usage has been changed for active and onboarding organization.
OfficeRnD Subscription Emails
- Active members threshold crossed - Sent when a tiered plan subscription's certain members usage threshold are crossed.
- Limits reached - Sent when a tiered plan subscription's usage threshold is crossed but no upgrade path is defined.
- Limits reached for customer, no upgrade path - Sent when a tiered plan subscription's usage threshold is crossed but no upgrade path is defined.
- Location Add-on package has been added - Sent when an addon for more locations is activated.
- Location has been deleted - Sent when any tiered plan organization has deleted a location.
- Members Add-on package has been added - Sent when an addon for more members is added to the subscription.
- Subscription plan has been upgraded - Sent when a tiered plan subscription is upgraded.
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