Requesting Bulk Updates from Support

Sometimes, you might need a bulk update done to parts of the platform, such as Billing Plans, Memberships, Members, Credits, etc ... We do have our Import functionality but when it's not enough, you can reach out to Support Team and we'll assist.

How it Works

In order for the Support Team to action a bulk update, you'd need to reach out by either email or chat and let us know what the task is including all the details. Bear in mind we cannot work with a file that you have prepared due to the nature of the bulk requests - we will be using each entity's unique ID, which cannot be exported from the UI.

Once you have reached out to us and we've discussed all the details, the Support Agent will prepare an export file (.csv) for the bulk update. If needed, they will send you the file so you can edit and apply any changes (emails, membership prices, etc...).

The .csv file will have a column called _id. This is the most important column, please make sure not to delete or edit any of the values there.

As soon as we have all the details in place and agree on a timeline, the agent will action the update for you. Bear in mind these can be complex operations so make sure you contact us in advance if it's a time-sensitive matter.


  1. Contact Support explaining what needs to be accomplished.
  2. After verifying it's possible and all the details have been agreed on, Support will:
    1. Extract the data and action the bulk update, or
    2. Extract the data and send you a .csv file for editing.
  3. When the file is ready, Support will go ahead and use it for the update.

Examples of Possible Bulk Updates

  • Update Memberships' credits after a Billing Plan credit allowance changes
  • Update Members' new/exisitng Custom Property
  • Update the status of Fees
  • Update Memberships' end date
  • Update Resource's prices, billing plans, names, availability


You can take a look at our built-in Import functionalities here.



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