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[Flex Data Hub] Old vs. New Dashboards
Updated over 2 months ago

This article explains the main differences between the old and the newly revised Data Hub dashboards.

All information from the old dashboards can be found in the new ones.

Revenue & Finance

Below are the key differences in the Revenue & Finance dashboards, including notable updates and how older dashboards have been combined or replaced.

Notable changes

Unified method for calculating revenue

Unless otherwise stated, all revenue dashboards display the organization's actual combined revenue, which is calculated as the sum of all projected and invoiced amounts for the selected period.

  • Projected amounts are forecasted based on issued fees and existing recurring memberships.

  • The invoiced amounts include all projected amounts that have been invoiced and all manually added invoice lines unrelated to existing memberships and one-off fees.

  • Projected amounts that have been invoiced are included with their invoiced amount.

  • Projected amounts that have not been invoiced are included with their projected amount.

  • When a single invoice covers multiple months of the same membership, the total amount is distributed evenly across all months, with proration applied when necessary.

  • All amounts listed are exclusive of tax.

More flexible filters

Most dashboards have new filters that allow you to see only the data relevant to you without having to navigate to a different dashboard.

For example, all invoice-related dashboards now feature a "Filter Invoices By" option. This allows users to select whether they want the date range to filter the dashboard based on the invoice issue date, the due date, or the start or end date of the invoice period.

Enhanced visualizations

With the new visualizations, you can gain more insights in less time. For example, most bar charts are now limited to displaying the top 5, 10, or 20 items. This ensures that the most significant information is visible on the dashboard without requiring your action. You can still access the full data by downloading the visualization.

Enhanced drilling

Most metrics on the dashboards are now interactive, allowing you to view the individual data points that contribute to a specific total. Additionally, some dashboards allow you to analyze the data at a finer time granularity.

For example, you can see monthly aggregated revenue by revenue account on the Revenue Overview dashboard. However, by clicking on the value for a specific month, you can access a breakdown by week or day.

Revenue & Finance dashboards changelog

Old Dashboard

New Dashboard


Revenue Overview

Revenue Overview

The new dashboard displays an overview of the organization's actual revenue, which is a combination of projected and invoiced revenue.

  • Revenue Detailed View

  • Revenue by Customer

  • Revenue by Revenue Account

Revenue Details

The new dashboard displays a detailed view of the organization's actual revenue, split by customer, revenue account, and/or location.

Invoices Overview

Invoices Overview

The new dashboard displays an overview of the organization's invoiced amounts and issued credit notes/overpayments.

  • Invoices by Revenue Account

  • Invoices by Customer

Invoices Details

The new dashboard displays a detailed view of the organization's invoices, credit notes, and overpayments, split by revenue account, customer, and/or location.

Invoices List by Customer and Invoice Period

Invoices List

The new dashboard displays a list of all invoices, overpayments, and credit notes issued in the selected time period.

  • AR Aging Overview

  • AR Aging Details

AR Aging

The new dashboard displays an overview and detailed list of overdue invoices and debtors.

  • Payments Overview

  • Payments Details


The new dashboard displays an overview and detailed list of the successful payments made to the organization.

Payments Allocations


The new dashboard displays a list of overpayment and credit note amounts allocated to invoices in the selected time period.

Deposits Overview

Deposits Overview

The new dashboard displays a list of deposit amounts for each customer, split by the deposit's status (held / pending / refunded / pending refund).

Projected Revenue

Projected Revenue

The new dashboard displays the projected revenue based on existing memberships and fees without considering any invoice data.

Invoiced Revenue

Invoiced Revenue

The new dashboard displays the invoiced revenue based only on invoiced amounts, without considering any projected fees that have yet to be invoiced.



The new dashboard displays each customer's fees, split by payment status (paid/unpaid) and type (one-off/recurring). It can be used to compare each customer's invoiced and projected revenue.


Below are the key differences in the Occupancy dashboards, including notable updates and how older dashboards have been combined or replaced.

Notable changes



All Dashboards

  • Most metrics shown on the dashboards can be drilled to explore data better.

  • Names of metrics have been unified to prevent confusion.

  • Notes have been added to each visualization to clarify the exact type of data contained within it.

Occupancy Overview

  • A new filter for choosing Occupancy Type (Desk, Space, Area) has replaced the need to have separate dashboards for each type.

  • A new filter for the Unit of Measurement has replaced the need for separate dashboards for each unit.

  • A new "Include Hot Desk Coefficient" filter has been added to allow you to choose if the occupancy for hot desks should be calculated with the hot desk coefficient factored in.

  • A new "Occupancy Calculation" filter has been added. It allows you to choose whether to see the prorated occupancy metrics as of the current date or the metrics at the beginning of each displayed month.

Occupancy Rates

New filters have been added to allow you to include or exclude unassigned memberships and unoccupied resources.

Occupancy Intervals

A list of intervals below the main visualization has been added to facilitate data export.

Occupancy dashboards changelog

Old Dashboard

New Dashboard


  • Occupancy Overview

  • Desk Occupancy Details

  • Space Occupancy Overview

  • Space Occupancy Details

  • Area Occupancy Overview (sq. ft.)

  • Area Occupancy Details (sq. ft.)

  • Area Occupancy Overview (sq. m.)

  • Area Occupancy Details (sq. m.)

  • Occupancy Metrics

Desk Occupancy Overview

The new dashboard displays occupancy metrics for the selected period and occupancy type.

  • Occupancy Rates

  • Occupancy Detailed View – Space Rates

Occupancy Detailed View – Desk Rates

The new dashboard displays the price at which the occupied resources were sold in the selected timeframe via memberships.

Occupancy Rates Export

Occupancy Detailed View – Export All

The new dashboard displays the price at which the occupied resources were sold in the selected timeframe via memberships.

Occupancy Intervals

Occupancy Intervals

The new dashboard displays which offices are occupied, available, or unavailable in the selected timeframe.


Below are the key differences in the Retention dashboards. The number of dashboards, their names, and their purpose remain unchanged.

Unified metrics

Lost Revenue is calculated as the sum of prorated revenue from memberships ending in the respective month.

More flexible filters

Two new filters allow you to see stats based on your definition of new customers.

In the Retention Overview dashboard, a "Consider Returning Customers New" filter was added to allow you to decide whether returning customers should be counted towards the total number of new customers when calculating the dashboard's metrics.

Similarly, the Members dashboard now includes a "Consider Returning Members New" filter that works similarly.

Enhanced visualizations

A number of new visualizations have been added to allow users to gain more insights at a glance, and existing visualizations have been revised.

The Memberships dashboard now includes an interactive sunburst chart ("Memberships Revenue by Location and Plan") that allows you to explore membership revenue at the location, plan type, and plan level.

Additionally, conditional formatting has been applied to the summary tables in the Memberships and Members dashboards to help you easily identify trends and spikes.

Enhanced drilling

All visualizations on the dashboards, including those on the Retention Overview dashboard, are now drillable. You can explore the data more granularly by clicking on the totals shown on the dashboards.

Bookings & Utilization

Below are the key differences in the Bookings & Utilization dashboards.

Renamed dashboard

While the number of dashboards remains the same and there has been no consolidation of dashboards, the "Bookings" dashboard has been renamed to "Bookings by Customer" for clarity. The names of all other dashboards remain the same.

Unified metrics

The number of bookings, their total and average duration, and the utilization of resources are now calculated similarly across all dashboards.

Enhanced visualizations

Several new visualizations have been added to allow users to gain more insights at a glance, and existing visualizations have been revised.

Most notably, an interactive sunburst chart ("Bookings Revenue by Location and Resource") was added to the "Bookings Overview" dashboard to allow users to explore revenue at the location, resource type, and resource level.

Enhanced drilling

All visualizations on the dashboards, including those on the "Bookings Overview" dashboard, are now drillable. This means that users can explore the data more granularly by clicking on the totals shown on the dashboards.

Additionally, the booking reference numbers now allow users to click on them to be redirected to the booking in the Community section of the admin portal. This is useful if the user wants to change the booking based on a finding from the Data Hub.

Analytics Overview

Below are the key differences in the Analytics Overview dashboard.

Unified metrics

The dashboard metrics are now aligned with those shown on the domain dashboards. This means that revenue is calculated similarly on the Analytics Overview and the Revenue Overview dashboards, and the same applies to all other metrics.


Drilling has been enabled for all dashboard visualizations. Upon clicking on a value shown on the dashboard, customers can see a breakdown by location and month (where possible).

Shortcuts to other dashboards

The links used as shortcuts to other dashboards have been kept, but they now appear as an option when the user clicks on a specific value on the dashboard.

Last Update timestamp

The dashboard's footer now contains a message informing the user about when the data was last updated.

Multi-Org Dashboard

Below are the key differences in the Multi-Org Dashboard.

Unified metrics

The dashboard metrics are now aligned with those shown on the domain dashboards. This means that occupancy is calculated similarly on the Multi-Org Dashboard and the Occupancy Overview dashboard, and the same applies to all other metrics.

Renamed visualizations

Various visualizations have been renamed for clarity and alignment with the visualizations shown on the domain dashboards.


Drilling has been enabled for all dashboard visualizations. Upon clicking on a value shown on the dashboard, customers can see a breakdown by location (where possible).

New filters

New filters—Occupancy Calculation and Include Hot Desk Coefficient—have been added using the logic of the new Occupancy Overview dashboard.

Retention widgets update

All retention widgets have been updated to show only values for the current month and a percentual comparison with the previous month. Therefore, they are not affected by the Date Range filter. This is done because the old way of calculating these metrics was inaccurate.

Community & Sales

Below are the key differences in the Community & Sales dashboards, including notable updates and how older dashboards have been combined or replaced.

Notable changes

Enhanced drilling

All visualizations on the dashboards are now drillable. This means that users can explore the data more granularly by clicking on the totals shown on the dashboards.

New filters

  • The "Company Name" filter has been added to the Check-Ins Overview dashboard.

  • The "Check-In Type" filter has been added to the Check-Ins by Customer dashboard.

Enhanced visualizations

In the Tickets dashboard:

  • Several new visualizations have been added to provide users with more insights at a glance.

  • Existing visualizations have been revised.

In the Check-Ins Overview dashboard:

  • These tables now have stacked bars for better visualization:

    • "Average Number of Check-Ins per Day of the Week"

    • "Average Number of Check-Ins per Hour of the Day"

  • The "Check-ins By Customer – Summary" table has an additional column, "Total Check-Ins," to showcase multiple daily check-ins.

Occupancy dashboards changelog

Old Dashboard

New Dashboard


  • Check-Ins by Customer

  • Check-Ins by Customer – Detailed View

Check-Ins by Customer – Summary

The Check-Ins by Customer provides both a summary and details about all check-ins.

Check-Ins Overview

Check-Ins Overview

The Check-Ins Overview dashboard offers a comprehensive view of daily check-ins for both Members and Visitors in your space.

Check-Ins by Date

Check-Ins by Date

The Check-Ins by Date dashboard provides a detailed view of all check-ins at your space, including both booking and non-booking check-ins, grouped by date.

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