Resource Types


OfficeRnD Flex allows you to create resources for the different types of services your space offers. You can also add custom zones to represent these resources for easy management from your floor plan.

What You'll Need

Note: It's not recommended to have one resource type be bookable and assignable at the same time, as this may cause issues.

Add a Resource Type

1. Navigate to Settings/Platform Modules/Resource Types.

2. Click Add Resource Type. The table below describes the different options:

Property Name Property Description

The name of the resource type (e.g. "Workshop", "Parking Lot").


An icon to represent the resource type on the portal.

Type A unique key that links the resource type to a zone type (e.g. "workshop", "parking_lot").
Color A color that color codes the resource type on the floorplan.
Can Book Set to True, if the resource type should be available for booking on a calendar. You can choose whether a resource is bookable by the hour, or by the day.
Can Assign Set to True, if you want to assign memberships to the resource type.
Primary Set to True, if you want to track the resource occupancy in the Occupancy section of the Dashboard.



3. When you're finished, click Add.

Important: Create a dedicated Zone Type for every new resource, which will be used on the floorplan and its Floorplan resource type is Zone.
  • Navigate to Settings/Platform Modules/Resource types.
  • Click Add Zone Type. The table below describes the zone types: 
Property Name Property Description
Name The name of the zone.
Type A unique key that links the zone type to a resource type. The value must be matching across both Resource and Zone, otherwise, the system cannot make the connection between them.
Color A color that color codes the zone type on the floorplan.


  • Click Add.
Tip: In order to add on the members portal a dedicated calendar page targeting a new resource:
1. Navigate to Settings/Platform Modules/Resource types
2. Click on the cogwheel next to the resource type and choose Add members portal calendar page.

edit calendar.png

Next Steps

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1 comment
  • It's unclear what Can Assign means when stating; "... if you want to assign memberships to the resource type."?
    Memberships are not an entity that can be 'assigned' to something, so how are they assigned to a Resource Type?

    This page also needs updating as it is also missing details on the Booking Mode and Check-in Mode.


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