Invoice Template Properties

OfficeRnD Flex comes with predefined invoice and credit note templates for the PDF document generated when an invoice or a credit note is created. Read more about how invoicing works in OfficeRnD Flex.

Customizing the Invoice and Credit Note Templates

If you want to customize any of the default templates, you can:

  • Navigate to Settings/Templates/Invoices
  • Open one of the existing templates for an invoice or a credit note
  • Choose to edit or clone it

In order to customize one of the default templates, you can use the Text Editor or you can update its Code using HTML and CSS.


When customizing the invoice/credit note template, you can use a variety of properties, which act as placeholders for dynamically generated content.  These properties are enclosed:

  • Text Editor: in single square brackets, such as [invoiceDate]
  • Code: in double curly quotes, such as {{invoiceDate}}.

Adding CSS

If you want to add CSS code to a template, you need to add it in the Custom Code section: 


Editing the Dates Format

By default, all dates in the invoice/credit note documents are formatted as DD/MM/YYYY. If this format doesn't match your local date format, you can change it. Find more information about the different date formats available in OfficeRnD Flex.

Invoice and Credit Note Template Properties

Primary Properties

The properties below give you access to general invoice/credit note data like amount, issue date, due date etc.

Property/Placeholder Description
number The invoice/credit note number.
The invoice/credit note date.
dueDate The date when the invoice is due.
logoUrl A url to the logo of the organization. 
reference The invoice/credit note reference.
paidWatermark A url to a paid watermark that can be displayed when an invoice is paid.
name The company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued.
recipient The company member who received the invoice.
email The email of the company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued.
country  The country of the company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued.
 The zip of the company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued.
 The city of the company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued.
 The state of the company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued.
 The address of the company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued.
The registration number of the company to whom the invoice/credit note is issued.
The VAT number of the company to whom the invoice/credit note is issued.
Information about the company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued. Review the available properties for the customer.
organizationName The business name of your account in OfficeRnD Flex, as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details
The Accountable Person of your account in OfficeRnD Flex, as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details
The city of your organization, as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details
The address of your organization, as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details
organizationVatId The VAT ID (tax number) of your organization, as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details
The Reg ID (registration number) of your organization, as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details
The name of your bank, as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details
The IBAN of your bank account, as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details
The BIC of your bank account, as described under Settings/My Account/Billing Details
organizationLock.endDate The billing lock date that is configured in your OfficeRnD Flex account. 
organizationInvoicingPeriod Your organization invoicing period.
organizationInvoicingVat Your organization VAT type(e.g. "included", "excluded").
organizationCurrency Your organization currency.
Information about the location of the contract. Review its detailed properties.
The ID number of the location targeted in the contract.
method The invoice/credit note payment method, eg. "Bank Transfer"
properties List of custom invoice/credit note properties.
A detailed list of the line items included in the invoice/credit note. Review all available information, which you can print on the document.
A detailed list of the line items, grouped by a revenue account. Review all available information, which you can print on the document.
amount The total amount of the invoice/credit note with taxes.
subtotal The total amount of the invoice/credit note without taxes.
discount The discount value (percent or value off) applied on the invoice/credit note.
discountAmount The amount of the discount applied on the invoice/credit note.
payableAmount The amount to be paid.
isPaid Determines whether the invoice is fully paid.
baseAmount The amount of the invoice/credit note without taxes.
The tax amount applied on the invoice/credit note.
vatPercent The tax percent applied on the invoice/credit note.
currency.code The currency of the invoice/credit note.
exchangeRate The exchange rate between currencies that is set in the system.
amountInBaseCurrency The total amount of the invoice/credit note with taxes, in the organization's default currency.
Detailed information about the taxes applied on the line items in the invoice/credit note. Review its detailed properties.
Detailed information about the total amounts of the taxes applied on the line items in the invoice/credit note. Review its detailed properties.


The date that the invoice was created.


The name of the person who issued the invoice/credit note.

Holds the information about the allocated documents, such as documentType, label and amount. The amount should be a float number without any currency formatting. Example:


totalAllocations Holds the total amount of allocations applied on the invoice. The amount should be a float number without any currency formatting.
contracts If you are invoicing contracts, this property provides detailed information about the contracts. Review its detailed properties.


This property provides a detailed list of the line items that are included in the invoice/credit note. It is a collection of items and it, therefore, has to be traversed by a for cycle. 
By traversing the collection of line items, you can display the following information about each item added in the invoice/credit note:
Property/Placeholder Description
items[0].baseTotal The total amount of the invoice/credit note line without taxes.
items[0].total The total amount of the invoice/credit note line with taxes.
items[0].subtotal The invoice/credit note line subtotal(depends on the type of tax).
items[0].unitPrice The unit price of the line item without tax. The property is formatted as a currency string.
items[0].price The price of the line item without tax. This property is a numeric value.
items[0].baseUnitPrice The unit price of the line item without tax. The property is formatted as a currency string.
items[0].description The line item description.
items[0].discount The discount percent or value off on the invoice/credit note line.
items[0].discountAmount The discount amount on the invoice/credit note line, including any applied taxes.
items[0].vatPercent The VAT percent on the invoice/credit note line.
items[0].vatAmount The VAT amount on the invoice/credit note line.
items[0].quantity The quantity of the item included in the line.
items[0].startDate Start date of the item(e.g. membership start date).
items[0].endDate End date of the item(e.g. membership end date).
items[0].account The id of the revenue account of the item.
The id of the tax rate applied on the item.
The id of the billing plan that is associated with the line item.
items[0].membership The id of the membership that is associated with the line item.
items[0].itemCode The unique code of the membership plan. 
items[0].office The id of the location of the line item. 


The taxInfo property provides details information about the taxes applied on the invoice/credit note.

Property/Placeholder Description
taxInfo.totalTaxable Total taxable amount(without tax).
taxInfo.totalTaxes Total tax amount.
taxInfo.vatPercent VAT percent.
taxInfo.amounts[0].baseAmount invoice/credit note amount without tax.
taxInfo.amounts[0].taxAmount Amount of tax on the invoice/credit note. 
taxInfo.amounts[0].components[0].name The name of the tax component applied on the invoice/credit note.
taxInfo.amounts[0].components[0].percent The percent of the tax component applied on the invoice/credit note. 
taxInfo.amounts[0].components[0].total The amount of the tax component on the invoice/credit note. 
taxInfo.amounts[0] The tax rate name applied on the amount.
taxInfo.amounts[0].taxRate.rate The tax rate percent applied on the amount.

VAT Amounts

The vatAmounts placeholder is the one giving you access to the invoice/credit note different VAT Amounts.

Property/Placeholder Description
vatAmounts[0].total Amount of the tax component.
vatAmounts[0].name Name of the tax component.
vatAmounts[0].percent Percent of the tax component.


This property provides additional information about the location of the invoice/credit note. 

Property/Placeholder Description  Name of the location targeted in the invoice/credit note.
location.address Address of the location targeted in the invoice/credit note as configured under Space/Locations. The city of the location targeted in the invoice/credit note as configured under Space/Locations. The city ZIP of the location targeted in the invoice/credit note as configured under Space/Locations. List of any custom location properties.
location.slug The slug (URL name) of the location targeted in the invoice/credit note.


This property provides a detailed list of the contracts that are referenced in the invoice/credit note. It is a collection of items and it, therefore, has to be traversed by a for cycle. 
By traversing the collection of contract, you can display the following information about each contract being invoiced/credited:
Property/Placeholder Description
contracts[0].signDate The date the contract was signed.
contracts[0].startDate The contract start date.
contracts[0].endDate The contract end date.
contracts[0].number The contract number.


This property provides information about the company or the member to whom the invoice/credit note is issued:

Property/Placeholder Description The customer email. The customer name.
Note: In case there's a business name added in the Billing details field of the customer's profile, the system will use that one instead of the customer's name. List of customer properties.

Other Functions

Property/Placeholder Description
placeholder|money Formats the value of the placeholder to a currency format.
Example: Enter 20|money, the output would be 20.00 USD(currency depends on the space settings).

Parses the value of the placeholder so you can add or subtract numbers to it.
Example: Enter parseMoney(total) + 20. The result is the total amount of the invoice/credit note plus 20.

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