How to hide a Plan from the signup page


Along with the development of your business, you may have to make changes to the plans you offer publicly. That does not necessarily mean that you would stop offering the same service to your long-time customers. But you may want to remove certain plans from the signup page available to non-members. 

In such cases, we recommend hiding the billing plan from the signup page and/or the Members Portal without making any other changes to it.

How to Remove A Service From the SignUp Page 

  1. Navigate to Billing/Plans and open the plan you'd like to hide.
  2. Open the Member Apps tab in the Edit window.
  3. Find the Available on signup and for drop-in users option and disable it.
  4. If you'd also like to hide that plan from active members, find the Available for members option and disable it as well.


5. Hit the Update button.

Once you do that, the plan will no longer be available on the signup page. If you followed step 4, it also won't be available in the Shop section of the members portal. The plan would remain available for your team to apply from the admin portal of OfficeRnD. 

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