Set Up The Members Portal And Mobile Apps in Different Languages


OfficeRnD makes it possible to use the members portal and mobile apps in the following languages:

English US, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch, French, Portuguese, Danish, Norwegian, English AU, English GB, Swedish, Vietnamese, Mandarin Chinese, Turkish, Czech, Slovak, Japanese, Hebrew, Arabic (Saudi Arabia), Hungarian, Polish, Dutch (Belgium), Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Finnish, Norwegian Nynorsk, Greek (Greece).

Language Settings

To switch languages, navigate to Settings/Member Apps/Languages. Here, you can:

1. Enter the Member Portal Languages you want to make available for members

2. Select the Default Language (the one members will see when they first log-in to the members portal)


Make your changes and click Update.

Note: Members can also switch to another language once they sign in. Click here to learn more.

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